photo book

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I woke up with Harry's arm wrapped around me,I pecked his lips and got up trying my best not to wake him as I made my way to the restroom. I decided I should make Harry some breakfast since he mainly did it for me whenever I stayed at his place. I grabbed my toothbrush and tooth paste beginning to brush.


The smell of bacon and eggs filled the room waking me up from my sleep. I let out a stretch and sat on the edge of the bed ,as I was walking out the door I tripped over a big book with the word "memories " written in cursive on it . I grabbed it sitting on the bed to look inside ,each page was filled with pictures of rose and different people . I ended up stopping on a page that said "Lola " on it there were photos of rose with a blonde girl one with both of them in there bikinis .another one was in black in white but it was a small Polaroid ,rose had a smile on her face and the blonde girl made a model face . I could hear her foot steps getting closer to me "I made some brea- ,where did you get that?" I looked up to see her holding a coffee cup she had concern written all over her face . "I tripped over it on my way out,who's Lola is that this blonde girl?" She let out a sigh and sat next to me "yeah that's her " she looked at the photos sadly " was she your friend ?" She made a scoffing sound "no she was someone I dated ...well if you could call It that " "wait you were lesbian?" She looked at me confused "no I was bi, still am actually " I bit my lip "oh sorry I must've sounded stupid " she kissed my cheek "it's ok" .

"So what happened between you guys?" "Well she used me for her needs only and when ,it's wasn't really a healthy relationship she got me involved in some crazy stuff ,drugs,parties,stealing but I loved her she made me feel ...special, but then things got really bad this one night she left out of the blue she only left me a note that said she was leaving for a tour and that if I love her I'd let her go and we'll I ended up doing something stupid" she looked down at her hands with furrowed eyebrows "what did you do ?" She ran her fingers through her hair " I ended up doing some cocain she had gotten me and nearly killed myself ,Eric found me in the bathroom ....he was so mad at me after that and it's kind of one of the reason he hates her so much,god you probably think I'm a headcase " I hugged her tightly kissing her forehead "no ...I'm just glad you're still alive " she smiled at me softly and pecked my lips " thanks babe" I felt my stomach flutter "babe? You Called me babe?" She pushed me playfully "shut up ,come eat your breakfast before I do " she got up as I walked behind her into the kitchen .

I'm just glad you're still alive " she smiled at me softly and pecked my lips " thanks babe" I felt my stomach flutter "babe? You Called me babe?" She pushed me playfully "shut up ,come eat your breakfast before I do " she got up as I walked behin...

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I laid on my bed drinking some coffee while Harry rummaged through my shelf that was filled with vinyls . "Wow I never took you for a Etta James kind of girl , you even have Frank Sinatra " I rolled my eyes at him "what kind of girl did you take me for ?" He shrugged as he pulled out a Beatles album "I don't know I pictured you liking the Ramones or even the Sex Pistols " " I actually do like those bands " he let out a small laugh . I stood up placing my cup on the counter "really ?" I turned to see him holding Ed sheerans recent album "what? I told you I was a fan of him, why do you think it was so hard for me to keep my cool when I saw him lounging around your house ?" He shook his head with a smile on his face "and yet you've never heard of me?" I walked up behind him wrapping my arms around his waist "well I did say that I remembered who you where when I thought about your hair ,but I thought you were just apart of some boy band" he turned his head with and round pout "heyyy,it was a cool boy band " I kissed his shoulder "you're right baby sorry ,but now I know who you are and I love your music " he smiled proud of himself "thanks,and I get why you love Ed he does have some good records " he slid out the blue vinyl placing it onto my record player allowing the Ed's voice to fill my small apartment. He turned around sticking out his arm in a prince charming way "my lady,may we have this dance?" I grabbed his hand doing a little curtsy "why yes good sir I would be delighted " I couldn't help but let out a laugh as he pressed our body's together . What started out as a joke ended in a slow dance , I laid my head against his chest hearing his calm heart beat as he swayed us back and forth . Our Bodies held tightly together as "Dive" played in the background I could feel Harrys head against mine as he hummed quietly.

I had never had such a peaceful intimate moment with someone like this before,it was odd but I knew I didn't want it to end . If I could live the rest of my life in this moment I don't think I would ever get tired of it.his deep raspy voice sent comfort through my body "I love you Rose " we stopped swaying as I looked into his eyes .they were soft and filled with hope "what ?" He smiled softly speaking low "I love you ,I know that freaks you out and you don't have to say it back I just want you to know how I truly feel " I kissed him softly . I didn't know how to react I felt like I was falling for Harry but I just didn't want to jump in all the way just yet,I want to see where this goes because I'm actually enjoying it which is really rare for me . He leaned his forehead against mine "are you freaking out?" I shook my head "no...I'm just happy " He pecked my lips and looked to his side ,his eyes got large "it's snowing " I turned to see the night sky being filled with little white snow flakes . I couldn't help but look at Harry and just think about how lucky I am to claim him as my own.

 I couldn't help but look at Harry and just think about how lucky I am to claim him as my own

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A/n:short but hopefully  it was some what  informative  :)
Sorry for any errors 

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