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I woke up to see me still in my clothes from last night and Rose laying next to me in her pj's. did I  fall asleep  before we did anything? That's  disappointing ,I  let  out a yawn standing up to tretch .I  opened  the door revealing the mess from last night's  events their was still a couple  people here mainly knocked  out on the couch and floor. I placed my hand on the cold knob opening  the restroom door "WHAT THE FUCK?!" I stood there in shock seeing a man in a robe putting lotion on his legs "Excuse me! Can I  get some privacy ?!" I slammed the door closed making my way back to Rose . "Uh love some random man is in your bathroom wearing a robe and applying  lotion  to his legs" she rubbed her eyes and let out a breath "what did he look like?" I sat on the bed placing my hand on her thigh "um I  think  he had brown hair he's  kind of like your height " she smiled to herself "don't  worry that's  just the queen" "queen ?wait that's your roommate ?" She nodded nuzzeling  her head into her pillow  "mmhmm" she's  been living with a man this whole time ? "He's  a man though " she looked at me confused  "so?" "Did you guys use to date or something ? " she made a scoffing sound "please I'm  the farthest  thing from Eric's interest  " "you don't  know that Rose,you're  beautiful " "What? No Harry Eric is gay he has a boyfriend  their getting engaged  that's  why we had the party last night" I  let out a breath of releaf  "oh ok then ....sorry about falling asleep last night I  think I  had way to many drinks" "it's  ok we have sex all the time anyway ,it was kind of nice just laying here " did she just admit she liked cuddling ?  "Oh yeah? Maybe we could do it again sometime" she closed her eyes slowly falling asleep "mhmm sounds like a plan" .

"Well I  guess I'll  see you later I  have to catch a flight" she opened  her eyes  scanning  my face "you're  leaving already?" "Yeah I  have an interview  with Nick  in london ,don't  worry I'll  only be gone  day you won't  have to miss me too much " she pushed me playfully  "in your dreams styles" I  grabbed  her wrist leaning in to kiss her . I lightly bit her lip making sure to let go of it slowly " it would be great if you were already at my place by the time I  got back " she smirked at me "that's  nice" i smacked her butt making her yelp "don't  be mean" "fine I'll  be there, gosh always so needy styles" I  pecked her lips but she pushed me away "don't  you have a flight to catch?" I stuck my tounge out and she did the same .

The flight was pretty long but I  made  it on time for my interview  with Nick ,he had  left last night  after the party so he could be ready for our "special" interview  apparently  he had a plan to attach  me to a heart monitor  while asking me questions or something .

I walked into the building greeting everyone. Lou had stopped  by she said she had helped  out Nick with some ideas .  We sat in the booth and Nick began "well welcome Harry  styles the actor" "hello Nick" "we're  gonna have  you get attached to a heart monitor  while I  show you some pictures  and  ask you  some question ok?"
"Let's  do this " they were attaching  me to the machine trying to find my heart beat "he's  like theirs nothing there" Nick let out a laugh  "it's  kind of like he's  just a robot Simon  Cowell  created" I  let out a laugh "heeeyy".

After a few moments we began  "ok Harry here's  the first one let's  start with Mr

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After a few moments we began  "ok Harry here's  the first one let's  start with Mr.Ryan Gosling ,how do you feel about that?" "I'm  ok he looks very handsome ,love that scene " "your heart went a bit up  there, now on to the next one, you're  recent co star slash director Christopher  Nolan" .we went on for a few more moments finally getting to the last of it . "Now for the finale this one is actually something a friend recommended  me to show you Miss Rose ,this one's  a close friend of yours right?" He smirked at me holding a picture of Rose she had her hands up and her eyes were closed as if she was screaming .

 "Now for the finale this one is actually something a friend recommended  me to show you Miss Rose ,this one's  a close friend of yours right?" He smirked at me holding a picture of Rose she had her hands up and her eyes were closed as if she was ...

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I began to feel my face heat up "yeah..she's great a really nice girl " "OH heart rate is going up! it's going up! "I  couldn't  help my nervous laughter "we're  at 80 now!!" "No its not!" "105! wow styles I've  never seen you so nervous!" Nick let out a laugh looking over to  Lou  who gave me a thumbs up "you guy's are dumb ,I  hate you " Nick looked at me with a wide smile "who?" "Lou and Harry! I can't  believe  you guys  " I  let out a laugh along with Nick"are you guy's  close?" He put down the photo  "is it hot in here ?" I cleared  my throat praying he would move on from the question "come on Harry don't  hold out on us now" I  looked behind me avoiding  the question" he shook his head"haha alright I  guess we've  tortured  you enough ,moving on!"

she's great a really nice girl " "OH heart rate is going up! it's going up! "I  couldn't  help my nervous laughter "we're  at 80 now!!" "No its not!" "105! wow styles I've  never seen you so nervous!" Nick let out a laugh looking over to  Lou  who...

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It was finally over I  had checked my phone  to see a text from Rose .

"So I make your heart beat rise? ;)"

I smiled to myself texting  her back.

"What can i say ?you've  got something  on me :) by the way how did you hear the interview  if you're  in NY ? "

I put away my phone and made my way to Lou and Nick "thanks for that guy's  ,you suck" they both laughed and Lou patted my shoulder  "just admit it you like the girl" I  rolled my eyes "we're  just friends  Lou" she nodded "really cause I  don't  see you treating  her the way you do with your other friends ". I ran my fingers through my hair "it's  nothing serious " I  felt my pocket buzz ,I  grabbed it seeing a text from an unknown  number.


Who is this? "Text from the missus?" I looked at Nick with furrowed  eyebrows "uh...yeah".

A/n: dun dun dunnnnnn lol anyway hope you  guys like it shout out to my girl ash for the idea!!

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