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I sat on Harry's couch naked in one of his ties and some heels  . I  had gotten the idea from "Pretty Woman" one of Harry's favorite movies ,we had watched it together a couple  times and he always talked about how amazing he thought  it was for her to do that. And since he didn't  really have a dining  table I decided  the couch was a better  option. I fixed myself sitting side ways and crossing my legs allowing the fabric to lay between my breast. The elevator  doors slowly opened  he walked in looking down  at his phone concerned . I tried my best to speak  in a seductive tone "welcome home Mr.styles" he looked up his expression  turning from concerned  to seductive  "wow I  mean hi " he dropped his bag . I  stood up making my way to him allowing  my heels to click against his floor  "nice flight?" I kissed his neck as he  bit his lip scanning my body "um ...yeah " I  kneeled  down undoing his pants "did you miss me?" I looked up at him as I  pulled down his boxers allowing his member to bounce up "y-yeah" I wrapped my hand around him moving my hand up and down slowly . "Good" I wrapped my lips around him going deep feeling him hit my throat " fuck ,Rose yes" I grabbed  him by the side of  his thighs pulling him closer to me bobbing my head back and forth . He let out some moans placing his hands in my hair removing  it from my face . I began to moan sending  the vibration  to his member ,I  licked it up and stood up before he could finish  "mmm follow me Mr.Styles" I walked towards the room hearing his belt jingle  as he ran behind me. I laid on the bed opening  my legs Harry  laid between  me kissing my lips down to my stomach . He slid his fingers inside me slowly  pumping  them  in and out making  me moan with each  movement...

I laid down as Harry  sat against the headboard "well that was fun" he looked over to his phone   concerned "you ok?" I reached over to my purse grabbing a joint placing it between  my lips before lighting it "who's  Maddox  " I  ended up choking  on the smoke "what?h-how do you know that name?" He let out a sigh grabbing the stick from my fingers "who is he Rose? Is he some guy your dating while you're  with me?" . I sat up   covering myself with the covers "no he...he's  my brother how do you even know his name?" He handed me his phone showing me a few threatening messages sent from an unknown number .

"When did this happen?" He ran his finger through  his hair releasing the smoke from his lips" after my interview with Nick, is he just being overprotective  can I  invite him to dinner and fix this?" I let out a sigh "no Harry  I'm  not on good terms with him plus it's  not like were dating ...I'll  handel it just ignore him ok?" "I don't  care  if  we're  not  dating  Rose ...I'm  helping you rather  you like it or not"  " he's  in vegas Harry" he kissed my forehead "then get some sleep we have a flight to catch in the morning .

A/ n : sorry it's  short but more to come!!!

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