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Harry's pov : Rose sat across from me shaking her head with a smirk on her face at the flirtatious  comment I  had just made

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Harry's pov : Rose sat across from me shaking her head with a smirk on her face at the flirtatious  comment I  had just made.  I  bit my lip imaging  the things I  wanted to do to her .she was so breath taking the way her lips were so plump and perfectly  shaped ,her curly black hair  that fell down her shoulders like a waterfall , and her EYES those  damn eyes so brown and sweet. "Hellooo?" I shook my head taking me from my thoughts she looked at me with  a smirk "sorry love what did you  say?" " I  said what is a beautiful  british man like  yourself doing here in New York?" It had come to my realization  that she had no clue who I was. I thought  everyone  knew me ? it was kind of refreshing  not to be known as the famous  Harry  Styles from one direction"um my band we're  here promoting  our album " .
"Band? Makes sense you're  giving off major Mcjagger  vibes " she let out a laugh which made me smile , fuck even that was  angelic "well he is one of my idols he's  a very inspiring  man ".


After a few more mins of chatting I ended up walking her  home.We were now walking up the stairs  to her front door"so what about you ,what brought you to New York?" She let out a sigh avoiding  eye contact  "Well I  didn't  really have a choice I  lived in vegas born and raised then ended up moving here to become a fashion photographer... but that  didn't  work out so now I  just work at the club doing what  I  can to pay rent " she searched for her keys through her bag.

"why  did you leave vegas" she stopped her movements to look at me "I  don't  think we should get into that  I  mean we barely got to know eachother today" I  nodded "that's  fine with me I  can wait " she furrowed  her eyebrows "aren't  you promoting  your album with your mysterious  band ? What makes you think we'll  see each other  again?" I grabbed  her by her waist "Their's  just something  about you  and I  can't  help but want more  of it...more of you" I placed  my hand on her cheek slowly placing my thumb across  her bottom lip. she let out a nervous   breath as I  pressed  our lips together feeling her stiffen then relax as it got deeper and deeper .

She let out a moan turning  me on even  more  .I kissed  her  neck as she pulled on the bottom of my shirt "wanna come inside?" I smirked at her pecking  her lips " I  thought  you'd  never ask " she unlocked  the door  revealing a small apartment . She threw her bag to the ground as I  shut the door locking it . I pulled her towards me wrapping  her legs around my  waist as I lifted her kissing her perfectly  soft lips. We ended up in her bedroom I laid her on the bed removing her black short skirt as she took off her top .  "Fuck me, you look so amazing" she let out a small laugh pulling me by my shirt to kiss her. She tasted like cherries and mint "let's  get  rid of this " she helped  me take off my shirt kissing at my abs making me harder  with each peck .  I laid ontop of her kissing her neck down to her perky chest helping her with the rest of her clothing . The way my  name trailed from her lips sent chills through my body. She flipped me over pulling  down my boxers as she kissed down my torso. She looked at my member biting  her lip as she looked up  at me "you're  gonna  be trouble for me styles " . She let out a laugh as she slowly grabbed onto it stroking it just right.I felt her wrap her lips around me, I  couldn't  help but watch her as she looked up at me batting her eyelashes. I  could tell this was going to be something  amazing between us... atleast I  wanted it to be . I let out moans unable to keep my thoughts on track . She stopped before I  could finish making me groan for more . She placed her legs on each side of me lowering  her self onto my member  making me fill her up. We both let out sighs loving the feeling we had been yearning  for .

She moved her hips slowly, placing my hands on her bum encouraging  me to squeeze  and smack each cheek. "mmm harry , you feel so good" she closed her eyes. Biting her lip  she began to  speed up  "fuck Rose...mmm...yess" . We both hit our high releasing our tension  . She fell on to me trying to catch her breath. I looked at her amazed "can you just marry me?" She let out a laugh laying next to me "not so fast styles" . I pulled her close to me wraping my arm around her waist, placing a kiss on her forehead "goodnight Rose" .

 I pulled her close to me wraping my arm around her waist, placing a kiss on her forehead "goodnight Rose"

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A/n: well I  let that happen quickly  haha let me know what you think and feel free to share this story!!

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