A Week

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After  we got  back from vegas Rose had been avoiding  me I  would  be lieing if I  said it didn't  bother  me. I cared about her a lot   but I'm  pretty  sure  she doesn't  feel  the  same I grabbed  my phone  sitting  on the edge  of my bed I  dialed Rose holding it against  my ear .

"Hey it's  me again...um I-I just  wanted  to  make  sure  you  were  ok....it's  been a week since I've  even seen your face....*sigh* I  miss you and I  just wanted  to  let  you  know  that  I   don't  care about  what happened  in vegas I  just  want to have  you  in my  life  again....well that's  it I  guess ....take  care love" I  hung up throwing  the phone  on  the counter .


I laid in bed hearing  Harry's voice mail  it was nice to  hear his voice  but I  couldn't  face him. I couldn't  let him know  more about that girl I  used to be he's  kind and humble and I'm  just a fucking mess. I closed my eyes remembering  the life  I  had  lived with  Maddox , it was gruesome  and hard and I  just  couldn't  handel it anymore I wanted my freedom . I wanted  to live a life where I  could be happy and in love but also do the career  I  love ,but that  didn't  happen  for me ....nothing  ever does. Eric barged  into my room opening the curtains harshly  "ugh whyyyy " I  covered  my face with my blanket  "you've  been  in here too long I  was starting  to worry you died" I  squinted  my eyes seeing him with  his arms crossed. "I did but mainly  through  my soul  " he let out a scoff "stop being so dramatic" "I'm   not being dramatic, Harry met Maddox  and now he probably  think's I'm a fucking  liar " he pulled my blankets  off of me leaving me in my t shirt and panties  "stop being a little  bitch and go talk to him you have no clue how he feels until  you talk to him" "I'm not being a little  bitch and why should I talk to him it's not like  we're together " I sat up pulling  my pillow against  me as he sat down "please ,I've seen the way you guys are with each other  the boy is falling  for you and even though  you have this whole fuck  settling  down persona it's obvious  you're  falling  for him " I rolled my eyes "no I'm not  " "then why do you care so much about  what he thinks?" He made his way out shouting  at me before  closing the door "and put on some fucking pants I can see everything ! "  .

I let out a sigh ,I couldn't help but think if he was right I mean I liked the way Harry made me feel physically and emotionally . He's a good guy but I just don't know If I could be good...for him. I didn't  know what I was planning  on saying  to him but I knew I had to talk to him. I grabbed a pair of skinny jeans from my floor and put on some converse grabbing my bag and jacket on my way out.

I walked into the building being greeted by Issac  the door man "Miss Rose  it's nice to see you " "you too Issac , could you maybe  let me up to Harry ? " He nodded  walking with me to  the elevator . "It's been a long time since we've  seen you with Mr.Styles " I let out a sigh "yeah it's  kind of my fault but hopefully  you'll  see more of me soon" he smiled at me as the elevator  doors opened I walked in letting  them close behind me .

I heard Harry's laugh  coming from the pool area and made my way towards  him . Without  thinking   I blurted  out my words "I'm a fuck up but I can explain" it didn't take me long to realize  he had a guest . He turned  to face me his expression  turning from a smile to confusion  my eyes widened  once I realized his guest was one of my idols ,the one amazing ginger I always fangirled  over ...Edsheeran.

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