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Rose Pov: The brightness of the sun shined through my room making it hard for me to stay asleep. I turned around to see the bed was empty, of course he left why would I  think he would stay...they always leave. I grabbed a pair of cotton shorts  and my tanktop making my way to the restroom to freshen up.

I made my way out to the living room seeing Harry  in the kitchen cooking . He actually  stayed ? I walked  slowly to the counter seeing him turn to look at me with a smile on his face . I couldn't  help but check him out the boy was  shirtless in only his boxers how could I  not stare. "Good morning  love I  made us some breakfast " he handed me a plate with eggs,bacon ,and a pancake "uh thanks most  guy's  I've  had ...well you know usually leave as soon as they can... none have really made me breakfast " he leaned on the counter to peck my lips "I'm  not most guy's  I'm  one of a kind" he winked at me making me laugh "cocky much?" "Not cocky just confident " I  began to eat allowing  the flavors to raid my mouth.

He sat next to me sliding some oj next to me."so what are your plans for today?" I looked at him confused  "well today's  my day off I  was just  going to chill  here today " he grabbed his bacon "you should come to my bands performance  today it would be nice to have you there " .

"Um ok sure why not " he kissed my cheek "that's  the spirit ".was I  in a relationship  without knowing it cause this is starting to feel like one.

I had gotten dressed in some black skinny jeans that were ripped  at the knee with a cut out rolling stones tanktop and some boots. I let down my hair naturally  then  placed on some light mascara  and lipgloss.

Harry had left to go change he said he would be back to pick me up in an hour since his show was pretty early . I'm expecting  this to be one of those small underground concerts  with like 12 people since he said his band was promoting  their album.

I heard a knock  feeling the butterflies  in my stomach flutter. I opened the door seeing harry in a pink suit.
"Ready love?" I nodded "that suit" he looked down at his outfit concerned   "do I  look bad?" I smiled at him knowing he was really nervous  "no you look nice, I  like it" he let out a breath "thanks" . I closed the door behind me following him down stairs to a black car where a tough looking man stood. "We're  ready james" Harry  opened  the door for me allowing me to slide in before he slid in after me .

James  began to drive,I  leaned in to harry whispering  into his ear "you have you're  own driver? Who are you styles ? " he looked down at me with a smile on his face "one of a kind" . He held my hand ,I  looked down realizing  his rings and small tattoos I  never really had any real relationship or real loving contact and Harry  just made me realize  how much I  wanted it ,which wasn't  good for me .


We arrived at a large building with the words " the today show" on it . This had to be a joke who was he? there's   no way he could get his first gig at the today show without being someone important. He kept holding my hand as we made our way through the halls to a dressing room "you ok Rose?" "Hmm ? Uh yeah " he smirked at me probably  noticing the major confusion  on my  face.

"Rose this is Lou she does my hair and stuff been doing it for years actually  " Lou was really pretty she had silver hair and a very edgy style "nice too meet you Rose its not  everyday Harry  brings a girl to one of his performances then again they're  all a mess" I  let out a small laugh ,Harry  looked at her with  a fake hurt  expression  " excuse me Lou " she laughed sitting him in the chair to start his hair .

Afterwards we began to walk down a hall to go to the stage Harry  stopped allowing everyone to pass us "are you  sure you're  ok love? " he placed his hand on my cheek making me feel calm "I'm  just confused " someone called his name telling him he had to hurry . He looked at me with a smile pecking my lips  "I'll  explain after , Lou  is going to show you where to stand so you don't  get ambushed "  i nodded looking at his perfect green eyes "ok ...goodluck " he smiled and grabbed my hand walking towards the stage.

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