|First Date|

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Btw this date takes place after you were friends for at least one year.


Of course you two went out to see a movie. His arm was around you the whole time.


     You watched the coulds under a tree. Talking about embarrassing or funny things that happened to you.


     Walking out of the DX you drove to a park and played football. You aren't that good but it was still fun.


      Dally continued to drive you to a spot out away from the lights. Not that there were many anyway. You two lied under the stars with his arm around you.


  Darry and you watched a movie at the Curtis house while soda and pony kept teasing Darry.


    Steve took you to a cafe to eat. After that you guys walked around making fun of people as you passed. Then he climbed a tree with You and you sat and talked.

Two-bit -

   You and two bit sat in the lot seeing how many cheesy pick-up lines you could come up with.

Geez, I'm really bad at this, anyways, SMEGDFAN requested this, thank you for that and sorry for not crediting you before!

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