me + you = [stiles stilinski]

587 14 25

A fairly short imagine (sort of) in which Y/N has a crush on Stiles and fails to notice he feels the same way. Add math to the mix and you've got this thing down.

Y/N hated math. Like, really hated it. The hatred she felt for the subject was painfully visible whenever she was in a class, and the wrong answers in her math homework forever had a 99.9% change of making an appearance. 

So when she received a text from her best friend Stiles asking her to come over and study math, her first intention was to say nope, with a capital N. But as she stared at the screen of her phone, rereading the text over and over, the thought of it seemed more and more appealing to her. 

Her relationship with Stiles was quite a complex one, they'd been friends since childhood and Y/N was pretty sure she'd been in love with him since then, too. 

The two had harbored feelings for each other for what felt like forever, and were mercilessly teased by the rest of the pack about their relationship. To be completely honest, Y/N had accepted her feelings for the boy and if the chance came, she would definitely go for it. 

Stiles, however, she wasn't so sure felt the same way. Y/N had certainly noticed his heart rate go up whenever she entered the room, but he seemed to shy away from any romantic advances and blushed furiously whenever the two as a couple was mentioned by the pack. 

Nonetheless, whether he meant studying as a polite friend activity or some form of asking her out, Y/N was ready to meet her fate. 

Weirdo With A Baseball Bat - Y/N? I know you hate math, don't worry, I think everyone knows.. but i was wondering if you wanted any help? [Sent 8:30 PM] 

Weirdo With A Baseball Bat - that sounds so freaking rude sorry. i don't mean you're stupid and need my help, i just mean you know like, if you wanted it? [Sent 8:32 PM]

Weirdo With A Baseball Bat - Y/N? [Sent 8:33 PM]

Me - stiles chill out ofc i'll come over. even tho i hate math with a burning passion [Sent 8:35 PM] 

Weirdo With A Baseball Bat - oh ok! :) can you um come over in like.. idk an hour?? [Sent 8:36 PM]

Me: i'll b there in 10 ;) [Sent 8:37 PM] 


Y/N knocked on the door, her stomach filled with butterflies of anticipation at the thought that this could be the moment, the day that it becomes official Stiles and Y/N liked each other. 

She wondered with a smile on her face if he would kiss her, a thought she'd maybe been dreaming about for years. Maybe the first thing he'd do upon seeing her in the doorway would be to declare his love. 

Y/N realized she was maybe overthinking what was probably a simple studying date. As friends. 

Still, she couldn't help the cheesy grin on her face as Stiles opened the door and locked eyes with her. "Y/N! That was.. quick." He hesitated, a soft smile on his own face. "I told you I'd be ten minutes." She reminded him, thoroughly enjoying the conversation they were having with just their eyes. 

Stiles's eyes had always fascinated Y/N. They were the type of eyes that conveyed so much emotion in one look, eyes that could melt her internally on the spot. They were golden brown, such a warm and comforting color that somehow always managed to calm Y/N on a full moon. 

However, her own eyes were a pale blue shade that only interested her when they turned golden-yellow as a werewolf. 

"So, do you wanna come in?" Stiles gestured to the open door, interrupting Y/N's thoughts. She nodded. "D'you mind if we skip the maths part, though?" He shook his head, smiling. "I promise to explain it well, and give you full permission to give up anytime, as long as you've tried."

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