stay with me [stiles stilinski]

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- This is set during Season 3 in early 3b, where Stiles is struggling with nightmares and the inability to tell dreams from reality. Minor swearing warning. ^^ 

Y/N's eyes began to slowly droop, her vision blurring and the tiredness she felt beginning to overtake her stubborn will. She needed to stay awake and finish this homework, but her mind was telling her the opposite. 

The complicated numbers and signs written on her text book began to dance around the page, preventing her from making sense of any of it. "Y/N? Are you awake?" Her head jerked at the sound of his voice, reminding her that she couldn't fall into the depths of sleep. 

"No Stiles, I'm just admiring your desk." She replied, face planting onto the wooden surface. Her words encouraged a snort of laughter from him. "Is it up to your very high wood standards?" Y/N grinned, glad her probably tomato red face wasn't visible. "It's um," she gestured wildly with her hands, "incredibly flat. Um, smooth too." Stiles shook his head, smiling. "Good to know you approve of it." 

Her head shot up, her eyes darting around the room with a wild look of desperation. "That's it. I need coffee, like, now." Stiles nodded in agreement, glancing at his empty mug. "Same, but I don't think it'll have much of an effect on my homework results." Y/N raised an eyebrow in question, scanning his face for any telling signs of explanation. 

"You hate math too then? I thought you excelled in that kind of thing." She asked him. "Um, no, I'm not doing that great at any subjects in school right now." He shot her a hasty look before staring at the floor awkwardly. She folded her arms, sitting down on the edge of the bed next to her boyfriend. 

She nudged him gently, hoping to see his beautifully familiar smile. Instead, he began playing with his hands, something he did often when he felt anxious or upset. Y/N's gaze fell to his hands, and placed her own on his. He looked up at her for a moment, his honey brown eyes fearful. "What's wrong?" She asked him softly, hoping to coax the truth out of him. 

"I'm just having trouble focusing- nothing major." Stiles told her after a moment of silence, squeezing her hand reassuringly. She frowned, something worse was going on with him, she knew that deep down. She just didn't know how to find out the truth. Pestering him further would just make him feel more stressed, but ignoring the issue would worsen the problem.

Y/N could feel her alertness ebbing away again, her eyes beginning to feel heavy and her shoulders slumping with exhaustion. "Y/N?" Even Stiles's voice was starting to sound blurred and far away. She blinked quickly in an attempt to stay awake, sighing. "Shit, sorry, I'm just really tired." She yawned, rubbing her eyes.

Stiles smiled softly. "Yeah, it's getting late actually. D'you want to go home, or..?" He gestured to the bed, looking adorably awkward. The two of them had only been officially 'together' for a week, and although they most definitely were falling in love with each other day by day, couple-y things such as sleeping in the same bed were still considered 'unsure' territory by them. 

Y/N nodded slowly, fearing she'd pass out if she didn't sleep soon. "Yeah, if that's you know..Okay?" She was almost too tired to feel awkward, and was extremely grateful for his simple reply. "Of course." She let go of his hand and collapsed in bed, wrapping the duvet around her. The last thing she saw before falling asleep was his loving glance and warm, hazel brown eyes. 

Y/N awoke to the sounds of screaming. She sat up with a start, fumbling around in the dark with bleary vision. "Stiles?" The screams didn't stop, instead they intensified. Her hands finally found his, and she tried to fight the drowsiness of being awoken from sleep. She tried to gently shake him awake, her heart breaking to see him like this.  

"Stiles? Wake up, wake up, it's just a nightmare." She said softly. When her words did nothing to emerge him from the dream, she knew she had to change tact. "Stiles!" This time, her yell woke him with a start. "Y/N!" He yelled out, his eyes wild and panicked, even in the dark. "Stiles, I'm here. I'm here." She assured him, her heart breaking to see him like this. 

As if reliving the memory, Stiles began to break down. She wrapped her arms around him and he sobbed into her chest, his entire body shaking. "I'm here. You're okay, I promise." She whispered, stroking his soft brown hair. "The Nogitsune-it, it said it would kill y-you. That you weren't s-safe from him." He muttered in between sobs. Her mind was filled with even more questions, but right now her one priority was making sure Stiles was okay. 

"Stiles, I'm right here with you okay? It was a nightmare. Just a nightmare." She assured him over and over, hoping he'd find some comfort in her words. "I watched you d-die," he whispered, his sobs cut off as she pressed her lips to his. She felt his body relax at her touch, and when they broke apart he was silent. She took his hand and rubbed small circles onto his palm, whispering to him softly. 

After countless minutes of silence, Stiles sighed shakily and began to explain everything. About the constant nightmares, the heightened stress and anxiety, the inability to focus properly or even read. The whole thing worried Y/N to no extent, but she wanted her boyfriend to know she was there for him. 

"You probably think I'm crazy." He said, running a shaky hand through his now messy hair. Y/N shook her head, still holding onto him. "I'll never think that. You're Stiles, the one and only." She replied, her head on his shoulder. He grasped her hand and held it tightly, and although it was only light enough to see a rough outline of his features, the way he was looking at her made Y/N's heart feel close to bursting with love. 

"Y/N?" Stiles asked, and the butterflies in her stomach intensified by a huge percent. "Will you stay with me?" The question had an obvious answer, but he bit his lip nervously nevertheless. 

"Always will." She replied, smiling. It was then, in that moment they shared, she knew she loved Stiles Stilinski unconditionally. He placed a kiss on her forehead and they exchanged infinite looks of affection and smiles between them.

Thoughts of the Nogitsune stayed absent from Stiles's mind that night, instead replaced with how much he was in love with the girl lying next to him. 

The pair fell asleep together and their fingers stayed intertwined for the rest of the night.


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