unexpected [stiles stilinski]

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Stiles Stilinski had always been a pretty hap-hazard guy. His room was usually left a complete mess, he tended to be late for classes and his timing for things was just terrible. When it came to his now girlfriend, (he took great pride in saying that) however, he went way overboard on the subject of 'planning'. The guy literally wrote dozens of index cards on every detail of ideas for dates. 

So when he'd plucked up the courage to actually ask Y/N out, he already had everything planned in case she did say yes. When she did, everything was planned out, booked and written down. Stiles was prepared to take this girl out, and he was determined for it all to go perfectly. 


Stiles 💕  - Y/N? [Sent 8:38 PM]

Stiles 💕 - Y/N?? [Sent 8:39 PM]

Stiles💕 - YN????  [Sent 8:40 PM]

Me - Stiles? Stiles?? Stiles????! [Sent 8:42 PM]

Stiles 💕 - not funnnyy. i'm outside waiting in the jeep [Sent 8:43 PM] 

Her heart beating quickly with anticipation, Y/N started heading towards the front door. Once she arrived outside, her eyes quickly focused on the familiar beaten down blue jeep parked on the side of the street. Her heart leapt a little when Stiles leaned out the open window, his head tilted ever so slightly. "Why are you giving me that look?" Y/N questioned, giving him a playful stare. The boy retracted his head instinctively, causing him to hit his head on the jeep roof. One hand on his head with a bashful expression, he shrugged.

 "Wha-what look? I'm not giving you a look. Why would I be giving you a look? Why would I look at you? Not that you're not nice to look at, because you are.." Y/N held up a hand to stop him from embarrassing himself further. "Thanks, Stiles." She smiled, referring to the compliment he'd quickly added into his ramble. He paused for a moment, his brown eyes clouded and focused only on her. He looked dreamy, far away. Y/N did the same, and the two held their gaze for a few moments before she looked away awkwardly. 

"So uh..Date. Jeep." Stiles blurted out, gesturing to the battered vehicle. She nodded after staring at him blankly for a few moments, almost as if she'd forgotten she was actually on a date with Stiles Stilinski, the boy she'd been crushing on for what felt like eternity. He ruffled his already messy brown hair, racking his brain for something intelligent to say. Y/N clambered ungracefully into the jeep, landing on the faded passenger's seat with a thump. 

He grinned at the action, staring at her for moments before he remembered himself. Blinking furiously and gulping nervously, his eyes darted towards the road ahead. Y/N looked at him with curiosity in her eyes. "What was that just then?" Stiles turned his head to face her, his eyes still looking everywhere but right at her. "Uh.. You just, uh..You're just very-" He gesticulated wildly, his hands searching the air for his missing words. "Terrifying?" "Beautiful." The two of them spoke at the same time, their eyes meeting slowly as their words drowned each other out. "Really?" Y/N gave him a soft, almost shocked look. 

"Y-yeah." He nodded eagerly, licking his lips nervously. "Thank you, Stiles." She almost whispered, the air she breathed out visible as the words left her lips. Hesitating for a while, Y/N leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek. He smiled to himself, looking away and moving rapidly to hide the blush on his cheeks. 

The two of them sat in comfortable silence for a while, lost in thoughts of each other and forgetting the date altogether. It was only minutes later when Stiles realized his hands were gripping the steering wheel, yet he hadn't even started up the jeep. Y/N noticed this, too, and giggled lightly in his direction. "So, um, are we staying here or do you have somewhere planned? Because, just so you know, I'm okay with both." She told him, placing her hand on top of his. She retracted it quickly as the awkwardness hit her like a ton of bricks. It wasn't that she didn't want to touch him, she sure as hell wanted to, it was just that they were both still new to all this. They'd been friends for so long, stayed in the comfortable position of 'crushing' for so long, that the concept of dating was huge and a little scary. Y/N was prepared to get used to it though. 

"Going somewhere. I have it all planned out." Stiles responded, sighing as the jeep started up with an aggressive groan. The glow of the headlights was visible on the darkened street, lighting up the road. 

Y/N nodded, fumbling with her hands as she thought of things to say. "Are you worried for the test tomorrow? I wish we'd had longer to study. Friday's tomorrow, it's so soon.." She piped up, taking in the variety of expressions Stiles produced at her question. "Wait-" His eyes widened, tightening his grip on the wheel. "Did you just-did you just say that it's Friday..tomorrow?" His tone was panicked, his eyebrows furrowed. Y/N looked at him questioningly. "Yeah..why? Is that a problem?" Then the penny dropped. The one detail out of so many that Stiles hadn't thought about, the one thing he'd brushed aside amongst his manic planning. 

"Oh, shit. Shit, shit, shit." He mumbled, his voice getting increasingly louder as he repeated himself. "Are you okay?" She asked him, concerned. He shook his head. "I thought it was Friday today, so I booked it for then.." Stiles explained. Y/N frowned, her heart pounding at how much thought he'd put into this date. How he wanted it to be so perfect. 

"Hey, Stiles? It's okay." She said softly, turning his head gently to face her. "We can do it tomorrow, if you still want to. It's fine." Her words comforted him a little, though frustration at himself ebbed away at him still. "I wanted it to be perfect, our first date. I'm sorry, I've let you down." He muttered, slumping back in his seat. She did the same, shaking her head furiously. "You haven't. You put so much thought into this.." Y/N assured him, running a hand through his hair without hesitation. 

Stiles bit his lip, looking at her with utmost affection in his eyes. It was then that he noticed how cold Y/N looked, her lips pale and her arms wrapped around herself to retain warmth. He himself hadn't noticed how cold it was in the jeep, him being too wrapped up in details of the date. "Shit." Stiles said for the 100th time that day, sighing. "You're cold." He pointed out, Y/N smiling a little in response. "So are you." She added, gesturing to his shaking hands. He shrugged. "Should-should we, uh, go to my house? or-" He suggested, gesturing wildly once again. 

"Or we could stay here." She said, looking up at him intently. He frowned, confused. "What? But it's col-" Y/N interrupted him once again, this time snuggling up closer to him. Her attempt to move from the passenger's seat to the driver's failed, leaving them both laughing at the awkward scene. "I think we need to, um, move to the back..?" She suggested quietly, receiving a shy nod from Stiles. The two of them left the jeep and then reentered, landing on the backseats. 

The two looked at each other, both with reddened cheeks, and waited for the other to make a move. Stiles eventually leaned in and crashed his lips to hers, the warmth from his skin as he stroked her cheek just making her want him more. Their lips moved in perfect rythmatic motions, both of them exploring each other's every crevasse and corner. 

His lips quickly moved down towards her neck, planting kisses along her jaw and collarbone. She breathed out quickly, her entire body alive with the sensations of it all. Their lips met again, them only pulling apart for air. Stiles' hair was tousled and messy, his lips slightly swollen. His face broke out into a wide grin, stroking Y/N's cheek tenderly. She snuggled closer to him, leaning her head against his chest. Stiles responded by wrapping his arm around her, planting kisses onto her hair every so often. 

The two were left quiet and content, basking in each other's warmth. Almost all thoughts of the date has been erased, replaced with a quiet happiness as they stayed in each other's arms. 

"Stiles?" Y/N said suddenly. "Yeah?" A small smile crossed his features as he remembered the events of only minutes ago, and remembered who he was with. "The jeep's still running." 


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