eyes shut [isaac lahey]

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"Y/N, what's your biggest dream?" The young boy asked, spreading his arms out wide on the duvet cover. The girl said nothing, staring up at the beaten down ceiling with curiosity. "For us to play kings and queens, obviously." She replied finally, a sparkle in her wide, youthful eyes. "No no, seriously." Her friend persisted. Y/N took in how he looked, how his blonde curls fell on top of his head like a pile of pasta, she thought with a smile. His big blue eyes shone with a constant hope, something the girl believed could never leave him. He always looked as if he wanted more from the world, as if he was desperate for new discoveries and adventure. It had always baffled Y/N, how much from the world he wanted. He could never feel content with the little he did have.

"Okay, okay. Well, what's your biggest dream then?" She responded simply, fidgeting restlessly on the soft surface of his bed. The boy closed his eyes, relishing what he was thinking of with a desire stronger than she'd even seen someone experience. "To get away from here, Y/N. To explore the world-China, France, Germany, Britain.." He trailed off, a wistful look in his now opened eyes.

She watched Isaac sigh longingly, wondering how he could be so adventurous. How he dreamt for freedom so desperately. "You won't leave me, will you Isaac?" He broke away from his dreamy state, looking to the girl with furrowed eyebrows. He lifted a skinny arm to place a hand over Y/N's, shaking his head indignantly. "I'm not leaving you behind, ever ever ever." He told her, creating an invisible pact between the two of them from those words. "Pinky promise?" Y/N added, a smile creeping at the corners of her lips. Isaac nodded. "Pinky promise." And so the two of them remained lying there together, dreaming of the future in the protection of the faded walls and roof over their heads.


"Don't go." Y/N pleaded, waves of sadness and disappointment hitting her like knives. Isaac ran a hand through his blonde curls, darting his eyes away from her gaze. "My flight.. I can't-" She interrupted his excuses as tears started falling from her eyes like a flowing waterfall. His own blue eyes filled with concern, and his lower lip trembled. "Y/N, please don't cry." He begged, cupping her cheek with his hand.

"I'm so sorry, I really am." He continued, brushing the tears from her cheeks with a gentle deftness. "I just have to do this. I'm sorry." His voice trailed off to a shaky whisper, and he was obviously fighting back tears himself. "I'm done fighting, Y/N." He explained, the spark of hope that always remained in his eyes finally dampening. "After Allison died.." He didn't need to say anymore, the look on his face was enough to speak a thousand words. "I have to leave this place."

"You said you'd never leave me." Y/N whispered, her heart physically aching. His hand fell by his side, leaving her cheek like a reflex. Slowly turning away from her, Isaac started to leave the airport. Knowing this was her final chance, Y/N rushed forwards. Taking his hand and holding it uncertainly, she found his gaze and held it. "I love you." She said finally, the simple three words she'd struggled to admit for so many years finally tumbling from her lips as easy as the blink of an eye.

To her utmost surprise, Isaac nodded and smiled. After placing a long and gentle kiss onto her forehead, he wrapped his strong arms around her. "I love you too, Y/N. You're like my sister. You always will be." And with those words, her heart shattered. Opening and closing her mouth and failing to speak, she remained in her spot. Unmovable, frozen.

Like a sister. The words rang throughout her mind like alarm bells as Isaac continued on his way out of the airport, leaving behind Y/N and her newly broken heart. Now unable to prevent the flow of tears falling from her eyes, she felt her world crumble around her.

Isaac was gone. Her childhood best friend, the love of her life. The one person she'd shared every memory, every experience with. He was out of her life, looking to open his eyes with new experiences, new sights.

But, Y/N thought to herself bitterly, his eyes would remain blind to her. He would always think of her as a friend, as a practical sibling from another mother. He wanted to stop fighting his own personal war, yet he was blissfully unaware of the battle scars he'd left behind.


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