24 [stiles stilinski]

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"You okay there, Y/N?" her friend with the famously strawberry blonde hair asked, her eyes darting towards Y/N's panicked expression. "Yeah, yeah-just nervous. I've never really seen a lacrosse game before." She told Lydia, fumbling with the soft, worn fabric of her gloves. Her friend raised a perfectly arched eyebrow. "..And?" "And..I know how scared Stiles must be right now." She informed Lydia, folding her arms a little too defensively. 

Her friend smirked, gazing out at the field. "So you're worried about Stiles?" Y/N said nothing, shifting awkwardly on the bleachers. "Aren't you?" She responded, shivering as the cold air hit her skin like knives. 

The strawberry blonde didn't reply, instead shooting Y/N a playful wink. "What's that supposed to mean?" She asked her friend indignantly. Fighting a blush that threatened to rise on her cheeks, she avoided Lydia's gaze and instead watched the lacrosse players. Noticing the familiar boy with the buzz-cut standing on the field, she found herself taking in every miniature detail of him and quickly averting her gaze when he turned around. Noticing her anyway, Stiles shot her a sloppy wink and a smirk. Y/N gave in to the blush forcing its way onto her face, and instead smiled back. 

Lydia noticed the exchange between them, and playfully nudged Y/N. "Look at the lovebirds." she whispered. She rolled her eyes, burying her face in her hands. Still, she couldn't deny that there was something between her and Stiles. It was only official between the two of them, nothing had come out in the open when it came to their friends. But her feelings for him were strong, and vice versa. She just wasn't fully sure if she was ready to announce their relationship to everyone.


"Oh god. Maybe he's just getting warmed up." Y/N mumbled, Lydia tilting her head in confusion at Stiles's pretty awful lacrosse playing. "Yeah, let's hope." Y/N continued to watch the chaotic scene on the field, sighing as Stiles continued to get repeatedly tackled to the ground. 

Looking over to the left set of bleachers, she noticed that the sheriff seemed just as deflated by his son's playing. "I think he can turn it around. Don't you?" She asked Lydia nervously, chewing down on her bottom lip. "That depends on-" the girl paused, her eyes widening all of a sudden. "He's got it. He's got the ball." She exclaimed, followed by a similar sentence from the sheriff, except a few hundred decibels louder. "Oh my god, oh my god. Stiles, shoot it!" Y/N yelled, basically everybody in the crowd repeating similar words. The tension in the air was so thick you could cut it with knives, everybody watching the field like hawks as Stiles stumbled over to the goal. 

He managed to pass the stunned goalie and get it into the net, his own celebration almost meager in comparison to the screaming crowd. Lydia and Y/N stood up and clapped furiously, genuine grins plastered onto their faces. Stiles continued to shoot goals, gaining two additional ones in the last two minutes of the game. For a split second, he caught Y/N's gaze and the two were left smiling at each other in a way that seemed entirely private in the public situation. For a moment, she'd forgotten that Lydia was sitting right next to her, aware of the entire thing. When she finally did break the exchange of looks between her and Stiles, Lydia had seen it all. Finally understanding, she smiled. "You really like him, don't you?" She said softly. It was almost an observation, not quite a genuine question. 

Y/N said nothing, her heart flooding with sudden love and adrenaline running through her veins. As the last 30 seconds of the game began to count down, she started to dash down the stands and head onto the grassy surface of the lacrosse field. The countdown rang disruptively through her mind, reminding her she had just seconds to reach Stiles. Rushing past the majority of players who had given up on the game by now, she finally arrived just inches away from the boy. 

"Stiles?" She said, her voice clear as she placed a hand gently on his shoulder. He turned around in a flash, his eyes registering what he was seeing before reacting. "Y/N, wha-" His words were interrupted as she kissed him, slowly and surely at first, but then deeper and more meaningfully as seconds passed. She could feel him grinning into the kiss, unable to contain his happiness. Y/N felt so overjoyed by the moment that her legs threatened to give way and collapse. He placed his hand over her own one that was placed deftly on his cheek, kissing her harder when she stroked the constellations of moles on his skin. When they finally broke apart for air, the both of them were left breathless. The cool air mirrored their heavy breathing, flushing their cheeks simultaneously. "That was-well, like..Uh, amazing." He said, flustered. She smiled in agreement, planting another gentle kiss onto his cheek. If it was even possible, he blushed more. 

The loud cheers from the crowd could still be heard, and Y/N was unsure if it was because of the lacrosse game or the kiss. The happy cheers abruptly turned to something of a different nature, though, and the look in Stiles's golden brown eyes mirrored that emotion. "Stiles, you okay?" 

He licked his lips nervously, shaking his head. "Y/N-" His words faltered and when she turned around to see what was going on, everyone was running from the stands and screaming. Her stomach dropped at the sight. When she turned back to the boy, he was gone. There wasn't a trace of him left from where he stood, and it felt as if he never had been standing there. The yells of Stiles's name from his dad could be heard from a mile off, and Y/N was left shaking from the event. She looked around the field, rapidly checking for any sign of the boy she'd kissed only moments ago. Her searches were left unsuccessful, and she felt her knees buckle and fall to the floor. He was gone. 

And then everything went black. 

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