stationary [theo raeken]

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note - this is my first attempt at writing theo's character so idk wahey 

The constant beat of Y/N's shoe tapping the ground seemed to echo around the quietened room. The atmosphere was tense, almost too much for the girl to bear. Both Theo and Liam watched, their eyes glued on the nervous presence of Y/N. 

The pack were what felt like barricaded in the sheriff's station, prevented from leaving unless they wanted to be greeted by a mob of angry hunters. Y/N could feel the walls close around her, and she was overcome with sudden claustrophobia. She could see for herself, there was plenty of space in room to move around and breathe, and yet she felt as if she was being choked. 

"Y/N, you reek of anxiety. Are you alright?" Questioned Liam, the young beta's unusually calm eyes searching hers for an answer. Liam edged closer to Theo's displeasure, and the look of jealousy that he couldn't quite conceal was very apparent. "No, no, I need to-we need to get out of here. Now!" She paced around the room to no apparent destination, a wild look in her eyes. 

"Y/N? Hey, Y/N? Are you okay? You're sweating." Liam pointed out, reaching out to take her hand and unsuccessfully doing so. The girl was incredibly aware of her shaking limbs and the sweat dripping from her forehead, and the amount of eyes on her just freaked her out further. 

"W-Why are you all so calm? We need to get out of this station, leave, I don't care. We need to get out." 

Scott shook his head. "We're gonna be fine, just hold on a little longer, Y/N." Theo stood and observed the scene, his arms folded and his eyebrows furrowed. "Y/N, you're shaking," Liam pointed out again, this time being quickly pushed out of the way by Theo. "You're just making it worse by pointing out the obvious. Can't you see? She's scared."

 He strode forward and placed two hands on Y/N's shoulders, making determined eye contact with her. "Hey, look at me. Okay? Keep those beautiful eyes on me." He instructed. Y/N didn't say a word, instead looking at Theo through her blurred vision. "I need you to know you're safe, alright? You're safe, and those hunters aren't getting to you without going through me first. I need you to stay grounded, so this is what you need to do." He paused, his hand gently brushing her cheek. 

"You can feel the ground underneath your feet, right?" The boy didn't falter for a second, he was confident in calming down Y/N. She exhaled shakily, nodding. "Right. You can feel my hand on your cheek, can't you?" Another nod. Y/N felt a jolt of that similar to electricity as his skin brushed against hers, and she could feel the walls around her slowly fade. 

"You can see my eyes. You can feel the fabric of my shirt, right?" His hand guided hers to his open jacket, moving upwards to the location of his heart. Y/N allowed a small smile to creep up onto her lips, the fear that she'd felt so strongly just moments ago almost completely brushed aside. She had no clue how he'd done it, and the rest of the pack watching were clueless too. The tenderness that Theo was showing towards Y/N had never been displayed before, at least not in front of everybody. 

"So, you can feel this, right..?" And his lips collided with hers, and suddenly all her senses were flooded with the taste, touch, feel of Theo Raeken. Her eyes remained wide and confused for a few moments, before the shock melted away and was replaced with the confirmation that this was real, she was kissing him and god, did it feel good. 

Y/N flung her arms around his neck, the background setting of the pack fading away as their lips moved in perfectly matching rhythm. His arms wrapped around her waist, his hands circling the curve of her back. When their lips finally broke apart, Y/N's heart was hammering in her chest,  the smile on her face widening. "Your heart's still beating like crazy." Theo muttered, leaning his forehead against hers. 

"It's not because I'm scared." 

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