void [stiles stilinski]

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- This one is actually a lot different from the stuff I usually write, one that could technically have two parts. I might continue it, but it depends on if I can actually find a way to finish the plot. It's also a mish mash of the Void Stiles scenes shown in 3B itself, with a few quotes thrown in there. :)

The cold surface grazed her fingertips as she placed a hand on the walls to steady herself. Her legs shaking with effort and fear, she continued to run along the hallway. She could feel his presence from behind her, the simple thought of the cold smirk that graced his lips sending chills down her spine. 

The already dim lights hanging onto the ceiling for dear life were beginning to flicker, as if the desperate light was starting to fade from the atmospheric tension. His footsteps were slow yet still Y/N could tell he was just metres away. She stumbled, the fear beginning to psychically overtake her. "No need to be in such a hurry, Y/N. I'm simply here to spend some time with you." His voice, Stiles's voice-was so familiar yet so different. It sounded completely wrong, the usual warmth stripped from his tone and replaced with an eery coolness. It was almost emotion less, something that couldn't be any more different from the boy she loved. 

"What do you want from me?" She cried out, her voice thick with tears that remained unshed, frozen entirely with fear. A low chuckle emitted from his mouth, the sound of it echoing along the hallway as if purposely to terrify her further. "Oh, Y/N, if you could hear the boy now. He's certainly not enjoying this like I am. He's practically screaming for me to stop." He jeered, the words a painful taunt on Y/N's part. 

She found herself slamming into a dead ended corridor, and any hope of somehow escaping this foul excuse of a creature was lost. Thumping the wall with her fists, a muffled sob escaped her lips. The tears refused to fall. "Do you think I can tell you something?" She said finally, clenching her jaw as he edged closer to her. "Oh, I know you can." He was now so close she could feel his breath on her skin, leaving the hairs on her neck standing up and her arms littered with goosebumps. 

"I'm not telling you..anything." She hissed, gritting her teeth as she spoke. She then turned her head just enough for his face to come into view. Chuckling, the nogitsune uttered a ghostly whisper that only those close enough could hear. "You won't have to. You'll be screaming." 


"Stiles. Please, just let me talk to Stiles." Her voice was desperate, a last resort that if not granted would ultimately mean, emotionally, she was gone. She had to speak to the dark haired, hazel eyed boy she loved so much again-even if it meant it was for the last time. 

"And why would I do that, sweetie?" He was well aware of the fact that carrying on the charade for as long as possible would simply torture her further, a fact that greatly pleased him. It was all a game to him, a set of well planned moves from two sides. Biting down on her lip so hard that the metallic taste of blood filled her mouth, she pleaded. "If you let me talk to Stiles for a minute, it means we're both far more distraught afterwards. It makes controlling him for fun for you." She told him, the words falling off her tongue disgusting her. 

The nogitsune tilted his head to the side, deciding, although they both knew that she could hardly trick the trickster. He had to admit, it would make the situation more entertaining-although giving the girl the satisfaction of being accepted her wish revolted him. "You have one minute. One minute only." He replied finally, the hint of a smile feathering at the corners of his pale lips.

Within seconds, he fell limply against her chest as if his legs held no support for his body. His breath came in almost labored pants, his hair disheveled. Y/N automatically cupped his face with her hands, the tears she'd forced back for so long beginning to fall from her eyes like a torrent of water. "St-Stiles?" She cried, desperation laced in her voice. He nodded rapidly, his the golden brown orbs of his eyes rimmed with dark circles. 

"It's me, it's me. Y/N-" He started, his words interrupted as she pressed her lips to his. They kissed like they were each other's lifeline, as if they needed the other like air to breathe. It felt the same as it always had, the warm touch of his lips encouraging her own to tingle with pleasure. They pulled apart for seconds, simply to exchange shaky and shallow breaths between them as they fought to regain composure. 

He brushed the tears lingering on her cheeks away, a small smile forming on his lips when fresh ones fell from her eyes at the gesture. Stiles's smile was warm, kind and inviting, one that sent sparks flying inside of her at first sight. One that made her heart starting beating at an abnormally fast pace. "He's coming-I can feel it." Stiles shuddered, squeezing his eyes shut in almost an attempt to block out the dark spirit that was threatening to overtake him. She nodded, trying to take in every detail that was perfectly, completely Stiles. Trying to burn the image of the warmth from his hazel eyes in her mind. 

She buried her head into his chest, sobs racking her body. "I love you." He whispered, running his fingers through the tangles in her hair. "I love you too, Stiles." And then he was gone. 


Y/N awoke screaming. The pained yells ripped throughout her body, her lungs stinging from the lack of air. The first thing she felt was strong, steady arms around her. As if bringing her back up to the surface, his touch comforted her. He whispered kind, gentle things into her ear as her screams weakened to eventual whimpers. "Stiles, I-I had this dream, it was..It was nogitsune, he..Was back." She mumbled, her breathing still erratically paced as she held onto his shirt like a lifeline. "Y/N, it was a dream. Just a dream. I'm here. You hear that? I'm here." He assured her soothingly, rubbing small circles onto her back. She flung her arms around his neck, now relaxed from his comforts. She stayed in his embrace for a long while before finally starting to edge away. 

Her heart was full of love and the fear caused by her nightmare gone. Her wet, smiling eyes met his presumably golden ones. Her arms fell to her sides, her heart dropping like a stone. His eyes were darkened, all the warmth had disappeared. Her blood ran cold as ice as the corners of his mouth turned up into the terrifying smirk that haunted her dreams. He tilted his head to the side, his dark eyes striking evermore fear into her heart. His entire being was devout of emotion, the eery coolness of his presence terrifyingly unlike the teenage boy he possessed. 

"You really should learn never to trust a fox." 

He was cold, emotion-less. He was void.


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