comfort [stiles stilinski]

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Y/N wrapped her arms around herself to retain any kind of warmth, the rain pouring even heavier if that was scientifically possible. She tried to steady her shaky breathing, but every step she took on the pavement added another worrying thought to her mind. Blinking back the tears that stung her eyes, she tried to mull over the thoughts racing through her brain. 

She knew where she was going, but not why. As she made her way to the familiarly comforting Stilinski house, her stomach filled with dread at the thought of telling her boyfriend about what was going on. Y/N was horrible at hiding her emotions, so her only way of escaping her incredibly empathetic boyfriend finding out about how she felt was to avoid him at all costs. 

It broke her heart to make excuses for why she couldn't go out with him, seeing his face fall when she walked right past him in the school hallway without a word. Although she loved Stiles Stilinski with all her heart, and he was the one person she wanted to share the rest of her life with-she just couldn't be a burden. She knew how much both him and the rest of the pack were facing at the moment. What with the dread doctors, Theo Raeken stirring up trouble and the entire Donovan situation-not to mention normal life in general, and Y/N felt that telling them how she really felt would just dump more stress and worry onto them. And she couldn't let that happen. 

But she couldn't go on like this for any longer; she couldn't keep ignoring her boyfriend and all her friends, she needed to make an excuse. To come up with a story that would satisfy everyone she knew, and to repress her feelings until they hopefully disappeared. 

She slowly knocked on the front door, contemplating whether or not she should just run. She was suddenly terrified of her sweet, gentle, caring boyfriend's reaction. She knew he was hurt by her ignoring him so much, but she just hoped and prayed he'd understand. 

Her stomach turned and she felt herself run down the steps and head down the lane. She couldn't do it, she couldn't face him. "Y/N?" She stopped in her tracks at Sheriff Stilinski's voice. Y/N had a choice; either she could run like a coward and end up possibly losing the boy she loved, or she could dredge up the courage to justify her ignoring him for 3 weeks. 

She spun around on her heel, desperately trying to avoid the sheriff's gaze. She hoped that the look in her eyes would be enough for him to understand. "Do you wanna come in?" He asked, his voice kind and his eyes knowing. He was just as good as Stiles at sensing others emotions, and could easily see through lies. Which was one of the reasons she was so nervous about making up a story about why she'd snubbed him to Stiles. 

She took a deep breath in and nodded, clenching her jaw in anticipation. He gestured for her to come inside, his expression slightly concerned. Y/N followed him, shaking so much that she felt her legs would buckle and she'd be a pile on the ground if she didn't sit down. 

"Stiles is up there," he told her, his eyes darting up to the staircase. She nodded again, still unable to speak in fear she'd start crying. With the pit of fear in her stomach ever growing, she started to walk up the stairs. You'll be okay, Y/N, you'll be okay. She repeated to herself, pausing right before she knocked on his door. 

"Yeah? Dad?" Just the sound of his voice was enough to make her feel weakened, her vision more blurred than usual and her head swimming. She opened the door, her heart finally dropping as she did so. 

"Y/N?" That was it. The sight of him sprawled across his familiarly blue duvet, his hair ruffled from anxiously running his hands through it, wearing his red hoodie that had always been her favorite-it was too much for her to bear. 

Y/N crumpled, her face screwed up in a what she thought was an ugly fashion but Stiles had assured her before was still beautiful, the constantly fought back tears beginning to fall, her already shaky breathing becoming ragged and heavy, her legs unable to carry her longer. 

Of course, in a truly Stiles fashion; the boy practically fell off his bed and rushed his way over to her, his arms automatically wrapped around her. The tears, hot and constant, fell as heavy as the rain outside-down her cheeks and onto the soft fabric of his hoodie. His arms were strong and warm, his body like an anchor pulling her up to the surface.

"Stiles," she sobbed, everything she'd felt in the past month hitting her like a strong tidal wave, "I'm so sorry." She kept repeating those three words into his chest, her breath coming out as fast pants. As if the tears weren't enough, the panic rising in Y/N was beginning to strengthen, hitting her like sharp knives and preventing her from breathing properly. 

"Y/N, listen to me." He told her, kissing the top of her head with utmost tenderness. "You're strong. You're so strong. You think I go through all this crap without breaking down? No way in hell. But I promise you, you can deal with it. You're Y/F/N, you can get through anything." 

She clutched onto him, trying to dredge up her strong will. She couldn't let the panic overtake her. She was going to fight it, not let it beat her.. 

"Breathe, shh, I'm here with you. I won't leave you. I promise." He assured her, pushing her away slightly, so he could look into her eyes. His golden, honey brown eyes bore into hers, the warmth radiating from them creating a light at the end of the dark, blurred tunnel of fear she was fighting to escape.

"Y/N, breathe with me. Okay? You can do this." He told her, stating it as a fact and not as an open discussion, something she loved about Stiles in situations like these. He demonstrated, and she shakily inhaled, grasping onto his hand like it was a life support. "Now breathe out." She did so, yet more tears falling from her eyes. 

They continued to breathe together until Y/N had fought off the anxiety, only just escaping from the clutches of a full on panic attack. She fell into his arms, taking in his familiar scent, his touch, his warmth. 

"S-Stiles, I can't explain to you h-how sorry I am." She whispered, the guilt of the whole situation tearing through her. "It's okay, it's okay." He reassured her, stroking her hair. "No, Stiles, it isn't. I didn't- I thought I was doing the right thing for you, but it just wasn't. I completely snubbed you without explaining, and I'm so sorry." She told him, her voice thick from crying and her face damp with slow drying tears. "You were just trying to stop me from worrying about you," Stiles started, "but we both know nothing will stop me from worrying about you. I love you too much for that." 

Y/N smiled softly, planting a tender kiss onto his lips. "What did I do to deserve you, Stiles?" Her boyfriend shrugged in reply, grinning. "What you should be asking is; how many cheesy romance movies have you been watching to get that line from?" He teased playfully, gaining an outraged look from Y/N. "None at all, I'm just naturally poetic." She replied, winking. 

The two of them spent the rest of the night in each others arms, knowing that no matter what hit them both next, they would always be by each other's side, acting as the strong anchor to pull the other back up to the surface. 


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