✔ dating stiles stilinski would include

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- Stiles having a crush on you since the day you met, and becoming incredibly awkward/flustered around you.
- Scott noticing both your heartbeat's go wild when you and Stiles are in the room together.
- Stiles struggling to muster up the courage to ask you out.
- "Stiles, it's one sentence and you've liked her since forever."
- "Yeah but Scott, what if she says no?"
- When he finally manages it, he'd spend way too much time planning every detail of the date including a minute by minute guide on what to do and say to you.
- "Stiles, is this all for that girl you like?"
- "..Maybe"

 - Him basically having heart palpitations asking you, then realizing he'd panicked for nothing as you accepted with a huge grin on your face.

 - You both being incredibly awkward on the first date, but it ended up going really well.- Stiles would let you do all the talking, that's how much he likes you.

- And you'd both go on many more future dates.
- Him asking you to prom.
- Spending the night slow dancing and being the couple that everybody admired.
- He'd freak out about the whole supernatural thing, feeling incredibly guilty for hiding such a big thing from you.
- He'd probably beg Scott for advice.
- "Come on Scotty, use your werewolf senses. Will she break up with me if I tell her?"
- "Stiles, I'm not psychic."
- You eventually asked your best friend Allison about it, and she relented and explained everything.
- Going to Stiles' house and trying your hardest to stay mad as you ranted to him about his lying.
- Him profoundly apologizing, knowing you hated betrayals of trust more than anything.
- You storming off into the night, incredibly hurt and pissed off.
- Then probably crying because you'd had your first fight with your boyfriend.
- Unable to give Stiles the silent treatment because he bugged you non stop, whether this was at school or via text.
- Stiles reinforced his friend's help so that he could apologize to you in an incredibly epic and romantic way.
- His plan sort of failed, and he was left running up to you after class and begging for your forgiveness.
- You rolled your eyes and the two of you had your first kiss right then and there. It wasn't anything romantic like he had planned, but it was still perfect in every way.
- You going to his first lacrosse game where he was actually on the team, and cheering your support in the stands just as loud as his father was.
- Completely freaking out when he went missing, to the point of losing all hope of sleep over worrying about your MIA boyfriend.
- Doing everything in your power to find out where he was, even though you're only human with pretty bad detective skills.
- When he arrived back home at the Stilinski house, his dad texted you immediately and you arrived there so fast that anyone would think you did have supernatural abilities.
- Hugging him so hard that he lost his balance and the two of you collapsed onto his bed in a heap.
- You being the only one he told the truth about where he'd been.
- Not letting go of his hand for a moment as he relived the memory of Gerard beating him up.
- Wanting to throw something you were so angry.
- Staying over at his house for the night, the first time in your relationship.
- Your hands remained intertwined even as you slept.
- Being the only person to match his sarcasm level.
- Being each other's soulmate, other half, friend and lover.
- "Wait, you're my girlfriend-and you haven't seen Star Wars?"
- "No Stiles, I haven't seen Star Wars." 

 - Watching Star Wars together, and Stiles feeling proud and violated because you end up being a bigger fan than him.

 - Stiles taking enormous pride in the fact that he can kiss you and show displays of affection in public.

- Probably embarrassing you often by whispering cheesy pickup lines in class.
- God, those pickup lines were terrible. But in a good way.
- You being the only one he trusted to drive the jeep, Scott being a close second.
- You picking up on his baseball bat skills, and eventually being named the 'two idiots with baseball bats' by the pack.
- Being the first one to realize what was about to happen when Stiles dropped the flare in the puddle of gasoline, and pulling both of them down as the explosion occurred behind them.
- Promising him that they would find his father, no matter what. You felt obliged to, not just for Stiles, but for your own sake too. The sheriff was almost like a father figure to you, too.
- Being present at the time of his panic attack, and being incredibly flustered and worried seeing as it was the first time he'd had one in front of you. You were desperate to calm him down, but your scared state just panicked him further. After many failed attempts at soothing him, you ended up pressing your lips to his. Thankfully, he held his breath which stopped the panic attack.
- After that experience, knowing how to calm down Stiles the right way whenever he panicked.
- Being just as happy as Stiles when they found his dad.
- Being his emotional tether for the sacrifices, and near breaking down when they explained what you had to do.
- Flinging your arms around him and hugging him tightly when all three of them woke up, despite the fact that he was soaking wet-neither of you cared.
- Being woken in the night by the sounds of Stiles' screams when the nightmares started, and being the only one who could calm him and lull him back to sleep.
- Noticing all the bad signs he was beginning to show-irritability, dark circles, even paler skin than usual, and his new inability to read or focus properly.
- Trying your absolute best to help him and being to one to force him to go to Melissa and ask her about it.
- Scott telling you immediately after Stiles had rang him in the middle of the night, near tears and terrified, that he didn't know where he was or how he'd gotten there. He'd begged Scott not to tell you about it, because you already worried too much about him, but Scott knew you'd find out either way.
- Comforting Stiles before his MRI scan, trying hard not to cry in front of him and refusing to leave the hospital until he was done.
- Being inconsolable when he goes missing again, the repeat of a few years ago almost too much for you to bear.
- Being the only one able to ward off the Nogitsune from Stiles' mind, like an anchor, if only for short periods of time.
- You stood in the way of Scott and ended up being stabbed by the Nogitsune instead.
- When the real Stiles broke free for a little while, he spent all his time at the hospital by your bedside, anxiously ruminating and constantly near tears.
- You were completely distraught by his decision to basically lock himself in Eichen House to prevent further damage done when the Nogitsune possessed him again, and begged him to stay.
- Hating the feeling of being utterly helpless as your boyfriend remained controlled by the evil fox spirit, and you were left as an almost defenseless human with no way of bringing back Stiles.
- The Nogitsune being disgusted and yet fascinated by how completely and utterly in love Stiles is with you.
- "I'm not telling you anything."
- "You won't have to. You'll be screaming."
- Holding onto Stiles for the entirety of the Nogitsune's final trick, whether that be grasping his hand or him leaning onto you, you both stayed inseparable the whole time.
- Stiles holding you and stroking your hair after Allison's death, knowing nothing could really heal the fresh wound that had been inflicted on your heart.
- Stiles confessing he loves you in a gentle whisper as he softly kisses your forehead, the words escaping from his lips before he could contain himself.
- After the void situation, you and Stiles would be even more inseparable than usual. You'd spend all your time together, watching movies or just talking in general.
- The two of you would spend a lot of time 'studying'.
- Wearing his hoodies and flannels. He wouldn't object though, he thinks you look adorable in them.
- Sometimes catching yourself staring too deeply into his golden brown eyes, and he'd smile softly and kiss you.
- Whenever he's anxious or scared, which is quite often with all the situations they get dragged into, you are his anchor. Just the sweaty clasp of your hands intertwined or his shaking hand running through your hair with immense delicacy, you always calm him.
- More "Studying".
- Both of you having a love - hate relationship with Derek Hale.
- Stiles smirking proudly when you hit Derek with a wave of sarcasm.
- Arguing like a married couple over 'bad planning' in Mexico.
- So much sarcasm.
- You're both the one couple that most people pretend to hate but secretly love. Scott will ship you both until the day he dies.

- "What? You got claws, I got a bat."

- "Babe, that's my thing."

 - "You're just too poetic to resist quoting."

 - "You're lucky I love you."

 - Endless text messages at 3 AM.

- If either of you were upset and the other couldn't come over, you and Stiles would talk to each other over the phone for hours and eventually fall asleep to the sound of the other's voice.

 - Being like a frantic mother over Liam, pissing off Stiles because you're ruining his 'authority'.

- Supporting Stiles in all of his lacrosse games.

- Having absolutely no shame when it comes to after the game, you always ran down to the field and started kissing him right then and there.
- Being incredibly close with Malia, both you and Stiles teaching her the ways of actual humanity.
- Endless sass.
- "Malia, humans are friends, not food."
- "Stiles, you never gave me that advice."
- "Yeah, and if it wasn't for me then my dad would have arrested you plenty of times by now."
- "Babe, kindly shut the hell up about my criminal record."
- Stiles attempting to teach you some of his detective knowledge after explaining to him about how useless you felt. The two of you stayed up till the early hours of the morning, planning suspects and endless red string, and you eventually fell asleep in his arms.
- Feeling weakened by the supernatural virus quickly spreading around the school, you and Stiles held each other's hand and became increasingly worried by the pack's psychical state.
- Stiles assuring you he'd come back when he decided to try and find some kind of cure for the disease, reminding you he'd never leave you behind.
- Staying with Malia, Scott and Kira while you became even more worried about Stiles.
- Both you and Stiles remained suspicious about Theo Raeken, whereas the rest of the pack did otherwise.
- Assuring him when he talked about his fear of losing his friends after senior year, and embracing after you added you'd like to be part of his future 'vision'.
- You were the first person Stiles told the Donovan incident to, you'd noticed how he winced and held his shoulder once you turned away, you'd noticed how panicked he looked when lost in thought.
- He explained the whole thing with tears falling down his cheeks, his entire being radiating worry, stress and anxiety as he feared for how you'd react. His worst fear was losing you.
- You understood the situation, and comforted him with the firm telling that the entire thing was out of self defense, and he wasn't a monster nor a killer.
- You telling Stiles that he needed to explain it to Scott, but he was adamant on keeping it secret.
- Stiles getting incredibly frustrated and jealous when Theo attempted to flirt with you, but you were having none of it.
- You secretly getting way too emotional about Liam and Hayden's relationship.
- "Stiles, our baby is growing up."
- Comforting him after Scott and Stiles had a huge argument over the Donovan incident, desperately trying to find a way to bring the pack together again.
- Being the one to persuade Stiles to help Scott.
- Spending days at the hospital with Stiles, sitting by his injured father's bedside, holding his hand and trying to calm his constant train of worried thoughts.
- Eventually falling asleep on Stiles' shoulder.
- Joining together to come up with a plan to save Lydia from Eichen House.
- Writing your initials next to the other at Senior Scribe.
- Stiles reminding you he loves you before he gets taken by the Ghost Riders, and you being left with the feeling that you've forgotten something.
- You just don't know what.
- Trying to persuade your friends that this person you've forgotten is real.
- Your heart aching when Scott shows you the group picture, with the clear empty spot where Stiles should be.
- "I think I loved him."
- Succumbing to the tears that stung your eyes after communicating with Stiles through the radio in his jeep.
- After remembering Stiles fully, your voice was the one that he could hear as he fought through the rift.
- Hitting the Ghost Rider that was about to kill Stiles with your baseball bat.
- You and Stiles sharing a passionate kiss, holding each other so tightly that you feared the other would break.
- Not letting go of each other's hand as you ran through the school corridors, facing the fake version of his mother.
- Sharing a secret look at each other on the final day of school before graduation, knowing that after all they'd been through together, nothing could keep them apart now.                      

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