beautiful [liam dunbar]

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so of course I had to write an imagine for my bean Liam, and this one's just really fluffy and sweet. No broken hearts around here. (:

Liam let out a stream of inaudible profanities as he frantically pressed the buttons on his video game controller. "No, no, shit-" Y/N cackled maniacally as the distress on her friend's face increased by the second. "Bet you're gonna wish you hadn't challenged me now!" Y/N cried as she won the final round of the game.

She let out a whoop of celebration, poking Liam playfully in the ribs. The boy retracted back at the sudden touch, a blush creeping up onto his cheeks. For a moment, there was quiet, and the only words exchanged were solely eye contact. Liam dropped his gaze to the controller he was still holding. "You're almost as good as Mason at video games." Y/N gave him a mock offended look, her lips parted. "Almost?" And then her mouth broke out into a wide grin. As she laughed, Liam knew that he was a goner. "You're so beautiful." The words escaped his lips before he could stop them, and he quickly realized his mistake as Y/N's expression changed.

He couldn't see for himself, as he'd bowed his head so low in an attempt to hide his reddened face from her, but Y/N held a look in her eyes that he'd never dreamed he'd see in her y/e/c orbs. A look of clarity, a look of returning his strong feelings for her. He couldn't see the undeniable wave of love that overtook her body language.

All of a sudden, he felt her palm resting on his jaw, her lips connecting to his in a sweet and hasty union. His lips were soft and gentle, hers were chapped and clumsy. He'd practiced many a time before with his previous girlfriend Hayden, whereas Y/N had never kissed anyone.

They were, on paper, a seemingly terrible and mismatched couple. Yet somehow, as their hearts hammered away in their chests, they felt it was perfect. It was something neither of them had felt before.

When Y/N finally pulled away, giggles fueled with exhilaration sounding from her smiling mouth, they both knew that one kiss had started something everlasting. Something beautiful. 

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