beginning [isaac lahey]

339 4 15

quick note; this oneshot contains mentions, and descriptions of the emotional & psychical aftermath of abuse- so please steer clear if reading that upsets you.

Y/N was worried. Panicked, even. She sat in her armchair, her chin resting on her fist as she ran over every terrible thought running through her mind. Overthinking was a common occurrence for Y/N, but this time was different. She knew something was wrong, and had no clue what to do about it. She was helpless. 

Her boyfriend of 3 years, Isaac, had made plans to spend the night at her house-but it was 2 hours past the time he'd set and she'd gotten no reply to her endless texts. Maybe he was late, caught up in something, but she knew deep down that Isaac wasn't the type of person to disappear without a word. She knew it was something to do with his father. 

Coach Lahey was a true sort of evil, a relentlessly cruel, abusive father to his son. It had taken Isaac a long time to open up to Y/N about it, but his dad would lock him in a freezer for hours on end as a punishment, causing him to develop severe claustrophobia. The endless emotional and physical pain that he caused Isaac through the years made Y/N's blood boil. 

She felt such pure, undeniable hatred for the man that if he straight up died, she wouldn't feel an ounce of sadness or pity. She exhaled shakily, extremely aware of how unsteady her hands were. She took another deep breath, trying to calm herself, when her bedroom door flung open. 

Both Y/N and Isaac's first instinct upon catching each other gaze was to fling their arms around each other, holding each other tightly in the safety and security of being with each other

She stroked his soft blonde curls that were damp from the rain outside, her body a perfect fit against his. His arms felt strong wrapped around her waist, although emotionally he was on the verge of breaking. She buried her head in the crook of his neck, taking in his familiar scent and feel. She could feel him shaking, the events of the day too much for him to handle. She responded by holding him tighter, hoping her touch would be enough to comfort him even in the slightest. 

When they finally broke away, Isaac's face was so close to hers she could feel his breath on her skin, delighting in the feeling of it. His eyes were full of pain, the deep blue shade of them like an ocean of sadness. He ran his hands through her hair, the red welt on his cheekbone standing out like a sore thumb, even in the dim light of her room. 

"Isaac.." He hushed her, brushing her cheek with his thumb. "I-I want you." His voice was just a whisper against her ear, his touch making her skin tingle with pleasure. His lips brushed against her cheekbone, trailing down to the corners of her lips where she finally stopped him, however much she wanted him to kiss her. She moved her head slightly so he was face to face with her, and she took his hand. 

"It's okay.. It's okay," she started, squeezing his hand gently. "Not to be okay." At those simple words, Isaac broke. The tears, endless tears he'd been holding back for so long finally fell. He buried his face in Y/N's neck, his entire body racked with sobs. She held him, reassuring him with words she hoped he'd find comfort in, telling him he was safe, he was here, and she wasn't going to leave him. 

"I can't.. I don't.." He stuttered, his words overtaken with yet more sobs. "Isaac, breathe." She told him gently, stroking his curls as he inhaled and exhaled deeply, shaking. "My dad, he.." He took another deep breath, trying to relax. "He found out that I w-was going to your place, and, he just f-freaked. It's like-the thought of me being happy to him is just.. H-horrifying." 

Y/N placed a soft kiss on his forehead as he looked up at her, his eyes bloodshot from crying. "Isaac, baby, please. Be rid of him. Come-come live here." She suggested wildly, her voice edged with desperation. "I can't- Y/N, I can't do that to your parents. I can't.." He told her, sighing. 

"They won't mind. If I told them about your dad.." She pleaded, close to tears herself at the thought of letting the abuse continue. "Y/N, all I need is you by my side- that's all I'll ever need." Isaac assured her, gently kissing her on the lips. "I know that. But Isaac, this is the end of this- this abuse your dad is putting you through. I can't let it go on for a moment longer." She told him, stroking just below his cheekbone, carefully avoiding the welt. 

"Just.. Just promise we won't end, too? That you won't-you won't leave?" He asked softly. Her heart pounded with love, and she wondered how she ever got lucky to have him in her life. 

"This isn't the end of us, Isaac, it's just the beginning." And after those words were spoken, the two of them spent the rest of the night wrapped in each others arms, stealing glances and falling asleep to the sound of each others heartbeat. 


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