clouds [isaac lahey]

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"Oh no, not another one. Surely?" Y/N's boyfriend exclaimed as she led him closer to yet another rollercoaster. "We've done loads already." He whined, his blue eyes darting fearfully away from the pure height of it. "Loads meaning one? Come on, don't wimp out on me now Isaac." She shouted over the chaotic noise from the crowds. He shot another terrified glance at the rollercoaster. A wide grin plastered Y/N's face, and she gestured for him to follow her. He edged closer to the entrance, his body language stiff and awkward. 

"Okay, okay. But if we both die- I'm suing you." Isaac mumbled, only just audible. "Suing from the grave. Do you have a ghost lawyer, too?" She teased. He rolled his eyes playfully, making sure to walk behind Y/N as they climbed up onto the available seats. Isaac tentatively pulled the belt over his abdomen, doing up the clasp slowly on purpose. Y/N smiled fondly as he ran a hand through his blonde curls, biting his lip simultaneously. 

"This is gonna be awesome." She assured him, shooting him a wink. He gave her a doubtful look, gulping at the sight of how high the rollercoaster got at the top. 

His words were cut off entirely when they zoomed upwards, all the breath literally being knocked out of Isaac's lungs. His eyes widened dramatically as he regained some composure and began looking around him. They were going upwards practically at the speed of light, and the whole thing terrified him. Y/N, however, was having the time of her life. Grinning so widely that she feared her mouth would split if she smiled more, she savored the feeling of anticipation as they sped upwards like birds zooming into the sky. 

"Okay. Maybe this isn't so bad." He shouted, allowing a small smile to form on his lips. Y/N didn't register his words, too caught up in the moment. The rollercoaster halted at an abrupt stop, the downwards spiral looming in the all too close distance. There was moments of tension as they waited, the two of them sharing quick glances at one another. 

It was then that the coaster fell downwards. So quickly that Isaac couldn't even regain any composure, he let out a pained scream, his eyes wide with horror. Y/N's arms were raised wildly in the air, the grin on her face widening evermore. Adrenaline rushed through her veins. Noticing her boyfriend's freaked state, she grabbed his hand and winced a little as he squeezed hers like a lifeline. She let out an excited yell, throwing her head back as the wind tousled her already knotted hair. 

Almost as soon as it had started, the ride was over. The rollercoaster tracks ended and the two of them halted at the stop. "That. Was. Freaking. Amazing." She exclaimed, bouncing up and down in her seat like an over excited kid. Isaac didn't return her enthusiasm, instead staring at his girlfriend with continual fear in his eyes. She realized with a smile that his curly hair was now wild and messy, just adding to the already adorable boy in front of her. "That was terrifying. I'm glad you enjoyed it, though." He responded, adjusting his scarf in an almost nervous fashion. 

Running a hand through his hair as she did so often, Y/N kissed Isaac with all the love she felt in that moment pouring into their exchange. Their lips molded together in such a perfect fashion, she felt as if they were matched perfectly for each other. He tasted of mint and all things joyful to her, so joyful in fact, that she could practically feel the euphoria sparking from their lips. 

Once they finally broke apart for air, Y/N was so happy that she felt as if she could burst. "Not a bad second date, huh?" She mumbled, her heart pounding even faster when Isaac grinned. His eyes crinkled as he did so, his blue eyes lighting up with pure joy. 

"Even though you made me go on two rollercoasters, yes. That was amazing. I'm still suing you, though." 


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