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Harry likes to think it was fate that he found out he was a carrier and his mum's friend had told him about being a surrogate around the same time.

Now his husband, Louis, had made it very clear he didn't want kids (for reasons Harry would never understand). But Harry would be glad to give kids to someone who couldn't have them.

The first time Harry was a surrogate he was twenty. His friends Zayn and Perrie found out that Perrie couldn't get pregnant, so he had offered to do it for them. Louis was supportive, although it was a bit weird to him.

"You're pregnant," Louis mumbles into Harry's bare shoulder. They had just found out this morning, and everyone except Harry had celebrated with champagne.

It's now late at night. Harry is sitting up, he had just finished taking his prenatal vitamins. Louis is leaning into him, rubbing his back and letting out warm breaths against Harry's skin.

"Yeah," Harry replies quietly, laughing slightly. "Yeah, I am. Crazy, innit?"

"Yeah," Louis sighs, and Harry's eyebrows settle into a furrow.

"Something wrong, darling?" Harry asks, reaching up and running his fingers through Louis' fringe. Louis sighs again, pressing a kiss to Harry's shoulder.

"I'm just worried about you," Louis admits, and the furrow in Harry's brow deepens. "I mean, you've always wanted a kid, and I'm afraid when this kid comes it'll be hard for you to give up."

Harry nods in understanding. "I know what you mean," He says softly, reaching over and turning off the lamp on his bedside table. "And I do think it will be hard, but it will be worth it, love. Zayn and Perrie have always wanted kids."

Louis just sighs again. "It'll be weird seeing you pregnant, though, don't you think?"

Harry shrugs. "That's your own fault, babe," He replies, laying down in the bed. "You're the one who doesn't want kids."

Louis just grunts and lays down with him.

The morning sickness hits Harry very hard very fast.

Louis comforts him the best he can, bringing him water and pressing cold rags to his forehead. Harry is forever grateful, honestly. He could never do this alone.

Zayn and Perrie are ecstatic, obviously. They basically shower Harry with gifts and praise, and Harry preens under the attention. Louis feels as though he's on the outside of something great.

Things get even more exciting when Harry starts to show. He soon develops a small yet noticeable bump between his hips, and Louis honestly never thought about how attractive he would be while pregnant.

"God, you're so hot," Louis mumbles into Harry's hair one night while Harry is making dinner. Harry just giggles and shakes his head, leaning back to peck Louis' chin.

"Not happening tonight, babe," He says. Louis pouts as Harry busies himself with the food. "'M too nauseous, and I'm not having sex with you while I'm pregnant with someone else's baby."

Louis gapes at him. "What?!" He practically shrieks. "Harry, Haz, baby, how do you expect me to go six more months without sex?!"

Harry shrugs. "Sorry, Lou," Is all he says. Louis huffs and sulks away to the lounge.

At six months pregnant Harry is always tired, and always moody, and Louis has never been patient with anyone else, but Harry is an exception.

"Lou," Harry mumbles, shaking Louis' shoulder gently. Louis grunts, burying his face into the pillow. "Lou, up."

"What, H?" He grumbles sleepily, leaning up on his elbow. He opens his eyes slowly to see Harry sitting up, eyes full of sleep.

"I need strawberries," Harry says almost guiltily. Louis sighs and nods, rubbing his eyes and sitting up straight.

"Strawberries, okay," Louis says, standing up and turning on the light. He looks over to Harry, who is smiling sweetly in one of Louis' band t-shirts, belly prominent even under the duvet, eyes sparkling with fond, and Louis remembers why he fell in love. Louis smiles at him. "I love you, Haz."

Harry rolls his eyes with a small smile. "Go get me my strawberries," He says, making Louis laugh. He pads downstairs and to the kitchen, flicking on the light. The counter is spotless besides a piece of paper on the counter, and Louis' eyebrows furrow.

He walks over and lifts it up to see it's not a piece of paper–it's an ultrasound. His heart just about melts as he stares at it. Harry's so excited for this baby, just to make two people happy, and Louis doesn't think he's ever loved him more.

The belly suits him, he thinks as he walks to the refrigerator. He looks so happy and glowing all the time. His curls are thicker and shinier, his skin is clear, and although he's moody, he's usually happy.

Louis takes the strawberries out and brings them to Harry, who looks like he's half asleep. He smiles at Louis wearily, taking the carton.

"Sorry I woke you up," He says softly. Louis just waves him off, turning off the light and climbing into bed. He snuggles up to Harry's side as Harry eats.

"I love you," Louis says again, and this time, Harry giggles.

"I love you too," He replies.

Harry goes into labour on his due date.

It's shocking, honestly, because he didn't even feel the baby flip around or notice his belly dropping, but he goes into labour while Louis is making breakfast for him, and they go to the hospital with Zayn and Perrie later that night.

Louis isn't in the room when he gives birth, and it's harder for him than it should be, seeing Zayn and Perrie hold his hands and not him. He does, however, get to hold the baby before Harry signs her off to Zayn and Perrie.

She's gorgeous, obviously. Louis almost tears up holding her. He hugs Zayn as his best friend raves about how amazing her and her tiny fingers and toes are.

And then Louis looks over to Harry, and he looks so sad, but so happy at the same time.

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