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"Two boys?!"

"Mhmm," Louis hums proudly. Harry's too distracted with holding Perrie and Zayn's daughter, Cecilia, in his lap. She's gorgeous, and looks just like Zayn.

"Oh, babes, you've got a big storm coming," Perrie laughs. Louis rolls his eyes and scoffs. "Zayn and I only have one, and we've barely made it."

"Perrie," Louis warns through gritted teeth, glancing at Harry. He's not paying attention. Harry's been very hormonal recently, meaning very dramatic, meaning Louis would rather not have him freak out right now, thank you very much.

"I had an ultrasound yesterday," Harry chirps proudly, probably having not heard any of Louis and Perrie's conversation. Louis smiles fondly as Harry sticks his tongue out at Cecilia, making the toddler giggle.

"How was that, babes?" Perrie asks warmly while Zayn rests his hand on her thigh.

"Two healthy babies," Harry hums. "One of them's bigger than the other, but the doctor said that's normal."

"Well that's good," Perrie nods. "Any names in mind yet?"

"Not yet," Louis smiles when Cecilia looks over at him. "I think our mums will have some input though."

"Oh, definitely," Harry giggles.


Louis stands up faster than he has in his entire life, sprinting towards the stairs. "Hold on, Hazza!" He calls out, running up the stairs and to the bedroom. Harry's wearing a pair of sweatpants and a jumper, the jumper lifted up over his tummy.

"Come here, quickly," Harry says. Louis sighs in relief after seeing Harry's not in any sort of distress, letting Harry grab his hand and place it on his stomach.

"What's going on?" Louis asks, but then he feels it. A tiny, weak little thump against the palm of his hand. He's not sure he even does feel it at first. Harry laughs excitedly, hand placed over Louis'.

"You felt that, right?" He asks, grinning up at Louis. "One of them kicked, that was a kick, you felt it?"

"Yeah," Louis whispers, mesmerised. "Y-Yeah, I did, holy shit."

Harry leans up and kisses Louis, and Louis places his other hand on Harry's bump as well. When they stop kissing Louis wraps his arms around Harry's waist, leaning his head on Harry's shoulder. "I love you," He mumbles, and Harry giggles and puts his hand on Louis' back.

"I love you too," He says, and Louis turns his head to press a kiss to his neck.

"Let's lay down, you're tired," Louis says, and Harry pouts, because Louis' right. He lets Louis help him to the bed, laying down and burying himself in the duvet. Louis crawls under with him, leaning forward and kissing his nose.

"How do you always know when I'm tired?" Harry asks softly, grabbing onto Louis' arm and holding it to his chest like a teddy bear. Louis grins at him fondly.

"You start giggling a lot," He explains. "And your eyes start to close a little bit."

"Oh," Harry hums.

"You're cute when you're tired," Louis mutters, closing his eyes. "You're cute all the time, actually."

"I know," Harry giggles cheekily.

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