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"There's no reason to be nervous."

"But I am."

"They'll be so happy, Hazza," Louis assures, bringing Harry's hand to his mouth and kissing the back of it. Harry just sighs, looking down at his stomach and pouting. "You need to stop worrying, baby."

"They'll know as soon as I walk in!" Harry huffs. "I'm bloody huge. 'S not fair. This is how big I was at twenty weeks every other time."

"You look beautiful," Louis gives Harry's hand a squeeze, and Harry lets out a soft sigh. "And I am so in love with you, and our parents will be psyched."

"I love you," Harry whispers, and Louis grins to himself.

"I love you too, Hazza," Louis whispers back, and Harry giggles.

"Um, guys, we have something to tell you."

Harry instantly looks nervous as Louis starts to speak, and Louis reaches over and grabs his hand under the dinner table. Both of their families are sitting around Jay's large dining table, everyone's eyes on the two.

"Harry's, um," Louis looks to Harry, who's looking at his lap bashfully. Guess he's handing this by himself. "Harry's pregnant again. But, this baby...he's not a surrogate this time. It's our baby."

There are gasps around the table. Jay's doesn't gasp, just gives both boys a knowing smile. "A-And," Louis clears his throat. "'S twins. Surprise?"

This time Jay gasps. "Oh, baby," Anne coos, standing up from her chair and pulling Harry up as well. She practically attacks him in a hug, and Louis grins as his own mother stands up and peppers his face with kisses.

Anne leans back from Harry and looks down at his stomach, smiling tearfully. "Already showing a bit, love," She points out with a smile. "'M so proud of you."

"Thanks, Mum," Harry says softly, and, damn his hormones, he feels himself tear up as well.

"Mummy, mummy," Doris pulls at the hem of Jay's shirt. "W-What'd Achoo say?"

Jay grins and puts her hand on top of Doris' red hair. "Harry and Louis are having babies, poppet," She explains with a watery smile. "Remember when I told you that you and Ernest both grew in my belly together?" Doris nods. "Harry's got two babies growing in his belly as well."

"Oh," Doris squeaks, and then goes back to the rice she had been eating, uninterested.

"I'm so happy for you, Lou," Jay sniffles and wipes her eyes, and Louis gives his mother a small smile.

"Thanks, Mum," He says quietly, looking over to where Harry is getting doted on by Anne, Gemma, and Lottie.

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