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Aracass Crystal (ʌracaz)

· The crystal that makes immortals and redeems life.

· It is the secret of the gods made from pure ambrosia and honey.

Asqapult (ɑzcapult)

· The curse which turns a chosen demigod into a demon demigod

· If the victim is not fit for the curse, he/she may perish.

Asqapult Crystal

· A red sacred crystal that consumes and replaces the heart of the victim.

Red (pure) – Normal State/ Controllable

Dirty Red (smoky red) - Transformation / Demonization/ Bearable

Black - Full Demon State/ Irrepressible

Battle of Khalsas

· Demons and demigods are set by the gods to fight every three months for nine days.

Demigods (of Chevflaun)

· Half humans, half-gods

Demons (of Cairon)

· Descendants of Illicox

Humans (of Ahniedem)

· The first to thrive in Dievasterra. Humans are exquisite to the chief god.

Khalsas Vulcan

· The volcano where Khalsas originates where Illicox is formed.

Tulip of Ahmduza

· This tulip is crystal-like. It is the source of all illusions in Ahmduza.

Ubelial Curse (jub:liyal)

· The curse that separates the body from the soul. It leaves the body alive but immobile and unconscious. It is the first cast upon Neferti; daughter of chief demigod Enzerus.

Unit (Security)

· It is the collective term for the soldiers in Chevflaun. Only men are allowed.

· Women engage in medical, agriculture, art and craft, and other non – violent livelihoods.

· There are nine different kinds of units:

- Reserved Unit – (21 demigods/unit) composes mostly of trainee soldiers.

- Blocking Unit – (5 demigods/unit) stays on built-in camps above Chevflaun's walls.

- Stationary Unit – (3 demigods/unit) sticks to assigned areas no matter what happens unless ordered by the chief or anyone from the command unit.

- Patrol Unit – (3 demigods/unit) roams only within the boundaries of Chevflaun. They aren't allowed to stay in one place exceeding half an hour.

- War Unit – (31 demigods/unit) largest unit; soldiers who are trained only for Khalsas – battles. They stay in camp for training. The war unit is also called the suicidal unit.

- Espionage Unit – (5 demigods/unit) spies given missions to gather information.

- Assault Unit – (5 demigods/unit) the roughest and most versatile unit as it can engage with any units. They hunt special demons as it is also called the Morbid Unit.

Ex. Assault Unit (Victus, Sagah, Honmin, Samael, Noam)

- Sub – Command Unit – This consists of the unit – commanders. They receive and disseminate orders given by the Command Unit. They can devise a plan in their scope.

- Command Unit – (9 demigods/unit) composed of war – experts and veterans. The chief demigod is the highest in command. They control and give missions to the units. The command unit may engage in physical battles and missions as they wish.

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