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Victus and Honmin reach Chevflaun in two days. They take so long to travel due to the demons they come across the way. They move with discretion to touch Chevflaun's ground alive. Both of them are seriously hurt and exhausted in their battle with skillful Widja.

"Damn it! I can't see any signs of Sagah coming!"

"We cannot afford to go back. We're outstripped!"

"You are right. Chevflaun soldiers follow strict tasks."

"They can't abandon the orders no matter how we petition them."

"If I can just tolerate these wounds, I will go back for Sagah."

"We can ask for back – up but I don't think they will find Sagah at the same spot."

"Surely... The best that we can do for now is to pray."

They fail to return to Sagah because everybody in Chevflaun is preoccupied with different concerns for one goal which is to win over the demons in the Khalsas Battle.

"What will we do now, Victus?"

"They will not follow orders if they're not from Faruz."

"You are his right hand. Maybe can ask approval from the elite demigods."

"I can only command the men under my unit. I am too young to plead. Faruz is in a hectic battle; no sleep; no rest."

"I am sad about what happened to Noam and Samael."

"They are exceptional and unruffled. We lost those dauntless demigods."

"I can sense that Sagah's in excessive danger."

"I hope he can withstand even if he doesn't kill Juzfald. Chimela will look for him once he sees me. I can't think of a decent alibi but I don't want to lie to her."

"We should ask for the medical assistance at once."

Chimela, on the other hand, is busy dealing with the injured warriors. She is clueless about what's happening to Sagah. She focuses herself on healing hundreds of demigods who are confined in the hospital. She is assigned to critical patients. In the clash, about three hundred demigods are reported dead. It is confirmed by Odis as he works at the mortuary as part of his short–term tasks aside from supporting Chimela.

"How will I manage these cadavers?"

"How many are you in the embalming team?"

"There are only twenty of us who are tenured."

"I too am busy. We are running out of bandages."

"I'll report it to the head of the medical camp."

"I feel uneasy, Odis. It has been hours."

"You just miss Sagah."

"His name always echoes in my mind. Do you think he's okay?"

"He's fine... always been fine the first day he met you."

"He will come back. He has to come back. We're getting married."

"He's with Victus. Everything is fine except for the bandages and the dead people."

"They will take the corpses to Ukobach shortly after the battle."

"I haven't been in Ukobach. They say it's a spine–chilling place."

"Of course, it's creepy. It's full of sepulchers, Odis. Victus does not want me to go there too. Though it's a demigod – territory, it's still near Cairon."

Demons and Demigods: SANCTIONS OF LOVE (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now