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Sagah is filled with rage. He entrusts Chimela and Azalel to Faruz thinking that he'll give them a better future. Hence, the worst thing he can ever think of happens in the home of the demigods. He observes that Chimela still breathes. Sagah advances to Faruz and clutches his neck with both hands.

"You are nothing but a damn! It is you all along. You are the real danger concealed in your finest fur!"

"No one likes what's going on, Sagah. You did not see what really happened."

"This is the outcome! Do you want to face death in this instance? Huh? Chief Demigod?"

"I had to do it! Am I insane to do this for no reason? You know how much I love her but I needed to protect Azalel. You may have forgotten your son because all that you keep thinking about is her!"

"That's not true! Why do you blame me for all of these? Did you fail to reclaim her love for you?"

Sagah punches Faruz's cheek but he remains still. Faruz does not want another fight for the day.

"If you expect for a contest, I won't give it to you, Sagah... not this day."

"You may be right but I'll take her with me. I'll try to save her."

Sagah carries Chimela while he places pressure on her wound with a torn cloth.

"If I fail, you better grab your best weapon. I will not stop until I kill you."

"Chevflaun has a medical unit. They can help her."

"She doesn't need your medical service. She needs a miracle."

Faruz tries to stop Sagah but Victus interferes with a composed voice.

"Let him take her, Faruz. We have a lesser chance of saving my sister."

"But what if..."

"Sagah has lost her once. He can't slip this off. Let him have it. You've had yours."

Sagah doesn't utter a word to Faruz anymore. All he does is caress Azalel's tiny cheeks and take a minute to glance at him. Along with it is a promise to exhaust all possible means for 'mela to survive.

"Dad will take care of your mom, alright?"

Azalel, at his young age, is confused why Sagah called himself his dad. Sagah goes back to his blonde hair color and green eyes. He does not want Azalel to fear him. Rimmona, who carries Azalel confirms that Sagah is the same stranger she encounters in the Sumoranac groves.

"You will understand what's going on when you grow, Azzy. I wish you will still be with your parents."

Sagah flies Chimela to the hidden cave of Masthema and asks for his father's help.

"Place her here fast, Sagah."

"Is there anything that can help her heal her wound?"

"This is not like the usual wound I encounter in battles. This is inflicted by a god's weapon."

"Can you make it clear to me?"

"Sagah, who did this to her?"

"It's Faruz."

"Faruz Parthen, the chief demigod... What kind of weapon did he use?"

"I saw him holding a gold dagger."

"A gold dagger... Did you see anything on it?"

"I cannot remember its details. He has not used that kind of weapon when I served him in Chevflaun but I heard that he talks to Ariz every time the battle of Khalsas approaches. It could be from Ariz."

Demons and Demigods: SANCTIONS OF LOVE (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now