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Bathenus offers his hand to pull him up. His hands are as cold as the water from the falls.

"What happened to you, my son? You look exhausted."

"Why weren't you there when I was young? I thought you were dead."

"It's a long story. I'll tell everything when you get to see your mother."

"My mother...? I thought I am orphaned. I grew up with master blacksmith."

"Yes...Neferti is your mother. She is the daughter of the late chief Enzerus."

"Is she still alive? Why isn't she with you?"

"Her body is, but her soul cannot come back. Like you, she is under Juzfald's curse."

"You're aware that Juzfald cursed me...?"

"Yes. It has been told by an oracle years ago."

"Why didn't you do anything to warn me?"

"I cannot defy the oracle. Whatever happens, don't lose hope. Don't give in to the curse. The oracle states that, in the end, the demigods will still prevail. But the consequences before the forecasted victory aren't told specifically. Many will die."

Bathenus leads Sagah to the falls. He's curious about where they are heading but the joy in his heart to finally see his father in flesh is unexplainable. He also yearns to see his mother. Inside the falls is a huge cave filled with rare flowers that aren't light-dependent. In the cave lies the tomb of Neferti. Bathenus opens the tomb. Neferti's body is still fresh. It seems like she just sleeping.

"Son, can you feel your mother's soul roam around the cave?"

"How can we get her soul back?"

"It's too difficult. The reason why I can't get away from this place is to protect your mother's body. Her body cannot be taken away from the Masthema falls. It will decay if it happens so. There are lots of beasts wandering in this place. Sometimes they are twice or thrice bigger than me."

"Oh, that's a headache! Maybe, I can help you."

"The Aracass can restore your mother's life. You should know what it is."

"I have heard stories about it from old demigods. I know where it is. It's in the Verdeletum."

"You can't just take it there. It's roughly guarded by Juzfald in disguise but it is guarded by Althene; the goddess of wisdom. Only chosen ones can see the crystal."

"Does Juzfald know you're here?"

"Of course, he knows. He just pretends he doesn't. Even Rabigor's not aware of the truth. However, Juzfald cannot come to me. He will never challenge me into a battle. He's not that skilled in physical combat but he's much dangerous in spell–casts. His power cannot enter Masthema."

Suddenly, Sagah sits on the ground and his eyes are teary. His father taps his shoulder to show his concern. He looks afar and cries. Bathenus can feel the pain that Sagah feels by his paternal instinct.

"What's wrong, my son?"

"I have lost everything, father. I needed to leave my wife behind. She's pregnant. I nearly killed her. How will I come back to her if I cannot break this curse?"

"That's very difficult. Even I could not find a way to save your mother the easiest way."

Rabigor directly goes to Juzfald to affirm if he is responsible for Bathenus' loss. Juzfald cackles as he sips the glass of blood. It's the first time Rabigor shows his frustration to Juzfald.

Demons and Demigods: SANCTIONS OF LOVE (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now