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Faruz and Chimela decide to spend time with each other while Rimmona and Odis take care of Azalel. They had a hard and tough day in their work that they almost forget to give time for each other like they're husband and wife. Of course, they are not legally married but it seems like they need to be a foil for each other. They walk their way in an exclusive and secure area in Chevflaun. It is one of the finest hot springs intended for chief demigods. There are no guards in the quiet place.

"I have not seen a hot spring as beautiful as this in before. What are those sparkling things beneath?"

"Those are thermal crystals taken from the boundaries of the Verdeletum."

"Is this a man-made hot spring?"

"I suppose. I'm not really into this place. It's also my first time although I saw a picture. It's Gregori who kept on persuading me to take you here. If it wasn't about you, I will never come here."

"Wouldn't you mind if I take off my clothes in the water?"

"Should I turn?"

"Of course, Faruz... You're nuts!"

"All right, Mrs. Parthen."

Chimela takes off her clothes and gets into the spring. She loves the warmth of the water. It appears like her stress is relieved in just a few seconds. The temperature is just right.

"It's your turn, Faruz!"

"What? May I get in later? I need some time to cool down."

"Don't be silly. You can't get in with those clothes. You'll make the water sore."

They have a good time in the spring. They stay at the shallow portion to nap for a while. The steam that rises from the spring detoxifies their skin. Faruz opens glances at the contour of Chimela's body in the water. He senses bizarre like he wants to get closer to her. But he discretely controls himself.


"If I'll do it, Sagah will definitely hate me."

Chimela looks at him and walks nearer. She wonders why Faruz doesn't react.

"Have you been staring at me?"

"No, I'm not. I'm just thinking of something."

He shakes his head and sighs. He turns around and feels bad about himself.

"Do you still worry about the battle? Forget about it for now. Overthinking does not help."

"Not really... Honestly, I'm thinking about us. What if we make it legal?"

"I commit Sagah. I'm sure there is a cure for his curse."

"It's not that I'm impatient. But what if Sagah doesn't come back? Will I have to wait forever? We cannot afford to pass the time seeing ourselves like this."

"This is not a game, Faruz. Azalel will know who his real father is when he grows."

"He will still accept me. Azalel can attest my sincerity. Deep in your heart, I know you want us back."

"Let's not talk about it now. We're tired."

"This is the best time we decide for ourselves."

"He's still the father of Azalel. I swore my love to him. No one can change it; not even me."

"Please don't. Don't say that again. I need to hear that you love me too."

"Faruz, please... Please don't scare me."

"I'm sorry for what I did. I have never been contented in my life beyond my achievements."

"You don't know how hurting it was for me to forget you."

Demons and Demigods: SANCTIONS OF LOVE (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now