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Faruz orders the guards to arrest Sagah and lock him in the dungeon. He is imprisoned with shackles on his neck, wrists, and feet. The shackles are made of sporadic materials and are used for special types of demons. He is still fretful about what's happening to him. He also thinks about Chimela. Faruz enters his dungeon and talks to him. Sagah does not treat Faruz as superior to him since they meet.

"I thought I made the right verdict, Sagah. I've been discerning you were better compared to me. I shouldn't have given up on her. It's the biggest mistake of my life."

Sagah grabs Faruz's neck and pushes him on grills, He angers when it's about Chimela.

"What do you want from her? you in return?"

Sagah chuckles as he is confident that Chimela loves him the way he does.

"She will not give up on me...on us. I didn't intend to be the devil."

Faruz wipes the spots of blood on his neck with his thumb. He sighs to release strain.

"Yes, Sagah... I'm desperate. But not as wicked you think."

"We will get married as soon as I get well."

"Just think about her future with you; if there's no remedy for that curse; if you'll be like that forever. She cannot wed a demon. That curse is from Juzfald and it worsens."

"Do you challenge me?"

"Well of course. I've had her once. I can have her again when I want to."

"What do you mean?"

(((Sagah is unaware that Faruz simultaneously courts Chimela with him in the previous years. But he cannot focus much on her more than other does because of the expectations bestowed upon him by the elite unit. Faruz is more objective compared to Sagah who is more subjective. They are similar in most ways, however.

"Hmmm... Duty...? Heart...? Duty... Heart... Duty..."

One day, after a Khalsas battle, Chimela is assigned to aid the assault unit of Chevflaun where his brother is a member. Faruz is the head of the unit. His left hand is wounded and he's the last to be aided among the team as he takes care of his subordinates.

"My lord, this will be painful but it won't take long. I have to clean your wound."

Victus interrupts them with the desire to annoy his best friend, Faruz.

"He can feel no pain, 'mela. Put more antiseptic."

"Brother! I'm sorry about my brother."

"...just joking. Hmmm... You two look perfect together."

"Uhm, do excuse my brother. He might be suffering from trauma."

"I'm not. You see, Chimela, Faruz is an upright guy. He actually wants to set a date with you when you're vacant. Name it and he will grant what you want."

"Ugh... Don't mind about him, 'mela. He's a punitive friend."

With the help of Victus, Faruz and Chimela get closer to each other.)))

Faruz walks out of the dungeon leaving Sagah with added queries in mind. He cannot refute the fact that the curse gradually consumes him. He's terrified it might also consume his love for Chimela. A day after the incident, Chimela and Odis are released from the hospital. Faruz is strongly dissatisfied with Chimela's security so he asks her to stay with him until Sagah is in full control. He prepares his private dwelling.

"My motive is clean, Chimela. I cannot risk your safety. He might come back to insanity."

"He's not insane. Whatever happens, I will still love him."

Demons and Demigods: SANCTIONS OF LOVE (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now