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Instead of seeing Chimela, Odis' face appeared before her. Rimmona moves backward out of her surprise. Odis has a bunch of flowers and a basket full of bananas. Rimmona thinks that those are for her but Odis shakes his head. He's trying to peek in the house through the same window.

"What are you doing, Odis?"

"I'm looking for Chimela. Mind if I come in?"

"What? She's not here. I thought she's with you."

"Nope... I haven't seen her today. That's why I'm here. I know she's only absent if she's ill or if she has very important matters to deal with. Chief Faruz is in the hall and he is too busy to disturb."

"So that's why you brought those tulips and bananas."

"She loves yellow tulips. Bananas are stress-relievers. They also thwart wrinkles."

"I thought..."

"You thought what?"

"Hmmm... I thought (those were for me.)...nothing."

"Maybe she's on a secret mission."

"She hasn't told me anything but she said she's coming home."

Speaking of the chief, he interrupts their conversation. Odis and Rimmona are anxious. Faruz gets in the house to see Azalel who plays with his toys. He is obviously tired but happy to see his son.

"Son, how long have you been playing there? Let me carry you. Where's your mother anyway?"

Odis and Rimmona approach Faruz. They appear so terrified because he's the chief demigod; a sober person. It seems like Faruz knows what their faces try to express. They don't know where she is.

"Where's Chimela? She should be here by now."

Rimmona steps forward and nods her head as she talks to Faruz.

"My lord, she hasn't got home yet. That's why Odis is here. We're worried about her too."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? Something bad might have happened to her."

"We were talking about her also. At first, we thought she was with you, or she may have a task."

"I've been in the hall. 'mela does not have pending tasks other than her shift."

"I haven't seen her in the medical camp all day."

"Are you sure about that, Odis?"

"We talk whenever we work. Besides, she does not hang out with anyone."

"I don't like what's going on here."

Waldo Bade, one of Faruz's trusted patrol demigods, reports that the units in Ukobach are missing.

"Faruz, Victus and Honmin are lost."

"Do you have any other information?"

"By far, I heard they aren't in Ukoback anymore. Most probably they are at Ahmduza."

"It's the demons' lair. They shouldn't have gone there."

"Must we send units now?"

"I'll take this forward. Even my wife is not around."

"This is a huge problem, sir."

"I know. I want you to roam throughout the peripheries of Chevflaun and warn everyone."

"If Chimela's not around, she might have been abducted."

"I need to find Chimela and my comrades. We don't know what may happen. Alert all the stationary, patrol, espionage and assault units; if necessary... the war and reserve units."

Demons and Demigods: SANCTIONS OF LOVE (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now