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A pile of documents to sign awaits Faruz as he reports to his office just to check the command unit. He sips a cup of coffee. With his weary mind, he feels like gravity is pulling him down the ground.

"Hmm... Twenty-four documents to read and sign..."

He remembers the last time Sagah approaches him in the office. That time, he asks for a week-long leave but Faruz hinders him from doing so. When Sagah disobeys him, he reprimands him with another mission. An assault soldier is assigned with one or two missions each month. That means that he is given three to accomplish within a month or else, he will have worse consequences. Faruz makes a frugal smile remembering Sagah's attitude. He realizes that, although Sagah is considered one of the most skillful demigods, he still keeps on annoying him. In the middle of Faruz's introspection, he hears someone knocking on his door. He opens the door and sees Rimmona with the little Azalel.

"Is there any problem?"

"Sir, they need you at the hospital. Odis told me that Chimela has turned into a demon."

"What? The curse... "

"Yes. We need to go there."

"No. You stay here with Azalel. This is critical. Juzfald might attack any time."

"Yes, my lord."

"If there's any problem, call the guards. There are battalions of them. I need to go now."

While Faruz runs his way to the hospital, he keeps on thinking about what to do as soon as he confronts Chimela. He is sure that it is going to be a huge mess. He can smell the scent of the venom of Juzfald get stronger as he comes closer. He arrives at the hospital and sees Odis and Honmin.

"Where's she?"

"She escaped. Victus tries to capture her but she's too slick. We need you."

"I can track them."

Just before Faruz leaves, Honmin holds his arm and warns.

"Beware of Chimela. She can trick you. Don't rely on your feelings. She bit Victus on his left shoulder. It really looks gross. She has retractable fangs and nails."

"I can handle those... but... I'll still figure how to fix this without hurting her."

"That was also our concern minutes ago. Damn it."

Faruz dashes like he's riding the wind. He brings with him a dagger and a chain. He orders all the soldiers to stay in place and lets him handle the situation. No one is allowed to touch 'mela.

"All units, when you see Chimela, don't engage in battle with her. Keep the demigods away."

He spots Victus and Chimela exchange blows to each other at the wet market. Victus has no choice but to fight her but he is conscious about the amount of force he exerts on his sister. The ordinary demigods and vendors are alarmed and scared about the demoness. She is so fast and strong that, anytime she wishes, she can break the market down. That's what Victus wants to take care of.

"Victus, stay back!"

"How can I? She'll hurt the people. She has just slain fourteen innocent ones."

"Damn it! Chimela...!"

"We will surely die if we'll do nothing."

One of the vendors cannot stand his mixed emotions of anger and fright. Other demigods react.

"Why won't you finish her right away? Do you want us to die?"

"What makes you our chief if you can't protect us anyway?"

Demons and Demigods: SANCTIONS OF LOVE (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now