Back TO (Y/N) Point of View

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You saw Bon Bon's eyes turn a brighter pink... Why were they Bright pink? They were a Purplish Pink earlier! And Freddy was giving him a mocking smile. You were confused. But you brushed it off. Ballora poked her head in. "Oh I see you found Bon Bon!" Her eyes were closed however. Oh well that's Ballora for you. Freddy Looked worried. "Yeah and HE'S back. He ripped Bon Bon's arm off Bonnet had to fix it! Ballora's smiled faded. "Ho Boy" she sighed. "Anyways, Baby wants us!" Bon Bon's eyes turned back to Purplish Pink and he hopped onto Freddy's arm. "ONWARD FRIEND!!!" He yelled in his cute little high pitched voice. You did a little laugh.

Bon Bon told Baby what had happened. "Then it's settled. Funtime Foxy. You're the most motherly out of us all You may be (Y/N)'s mother if (Y/N) is okay with that." Everyone turned to look at you you nod. "If She's alright with caring for me i'm all for it!" Foxy Picked you up and nuzzled you. "I'll take care of (Y/N) as if they were my birthed child!" You smiled and Hugged Foxy. She smiled.  

Timeskip brought to you by me: The Queen of timeskips >:3

You Bon Bon and Bonnet were playing a game together when Freddy Foxy and Lolbit walked in. Freddy looked at Bon Bon "Come on Lil' Bro time for bed." Bon Bon groaned "awww really?" You did a tiny laugh. Foxy wagged her finger "You too little (Y/N)" You smiled and walked over to your new mother... Yes you missed your actual mother but here... You felt more safe rather than where you used to live. Because you didn't have an abusive father here! Bonnet assumed Lolbit was here to take her home. 

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