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"Hey... Wake up" you woke up... And you saw a Boy with black hair and green tips standing above you... "B-Brent???" You shook as you laid in your bed with Brent on top of you... "So you came back...?" You smacked him. "GET OFF ME!!!" he held his hands up and got off you... You got up in fear... You had prepared for something like this... You got a knife from under your pillow. He chuckled... "Ah, Even if you are pregnant... You still will fight me... Even if it may hurt the child in the fight..." He was right... You may-- Wait.... How??? You held the knife up higher... And said... "How did you know...?" He laughed... "I knew you'd be back...So I stayed here... And heard everything..."  You threw the knife slightly cutting his hair a bit... He laughed.. You held up a gun... His eyes widened in fear... Then he smiled... And held up a clock... "YOU WILL LOVE ME..." He had hypnotized you... You fell onto your knees and into a slumber... 

Bon Bon P.O.V:

I heard a crash in (Y/N)'s room I ran into her room and saw Brent above her body... She wasn't dead or injured... For she was breathing normally... Then I saw the clock in Brent's Hands... I gulped.. Knowing he had hypnotized her... "What have you done???" I said to him... "I made her love me... Punk.. We will get married and she'll have no memory of you.." He laughed and picked her up. I grabbed his pant leg and tried to hold him down... I yelled for help... But they were too late.. I was too late... I cried as I had lost (Y/N) Forever...

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