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You from the future woke up and screamed at the sight of you. Bonnie Held Them carefully "Hey Hey (Y/N) calm down... They'll get home once YOU confess your love to your crush..." You smiled at Bonnie and the future you blushed madly. "Do I have to??? Isn't there another way???" You and Bonnie shook your heads. "nope" you said in unison with Bonnie. Future you blushed madly... "Whale then..." they turned to Bonnie... "Bonnie I created you but I love you..." Bonnie Nuzzled Them. "Good... I love you too..." You felt yourself fading away in a way... Everyone waved goodbye to you as you saw them fade... You waved back... 

(if you all want I can make a sequel with the life you (Y/N) from the future and Bonnie That's if you want and it'll probably be when this book has gotten to the point where you and Bon Bon get together... Not saying when you 2 will get together but you 2 will -v0 After all this is a Bon Bon X Reader!!! anyway continue on!!!!)

You awoke to darkness from Funtime Auditorium and crying. You sat up and saw Bon Bon crying at the end of the bed you were in. "Bon Bon?" You asked making sure it was him. He turned around with tears in his eyes as he jumped towards you and hugged you. "ohmygod(y/n)areyouokareyouhurtohmygodthisisallmyfault" He spoke so quickly you could barely understand what he was saying. "Calm down Bon Bon... i'm okay" he wiped away a tear. "Where have you been!?!? You passed out then mysteriously disappeared!!!" You blinked a few times... "I was somewhere but I can't remember it." Bon Bon raised an eyebrow. "At all?" You shook your head. "nope sorry." You knew you were somewhere but you couldn't remember anything about it... Funtime Foxy ran in and covered her mouth as she saw you she ran towards you and hugged you. "Oh my child... where were you!?!?" You tried harder to remember. "I can't remember..." You answered honestly... "You look better... You feel any better?" She asked you. You nod. "Yeah!" You smiled. She looked at Bon Bon. "Poor Bon Bon Was worried sick he wouldn't leave this room." She giggled. His eyes turned bright pink. Funtime Freddy ran in "OH (Y/N) HELLO!!! WE'VE BEEN WORRIED SICK!!!" He did look scared.

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