How you're Getting home

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Bonnie Closed his eyes... "Yeah... and I remember (Y/N) not the one we know... This little (Y/N)" Freddy raised an eyebrow. "What Was I?" you smiled. "Bonnie was your hand puppet and You had purpley-pink rosy cheeks and you were shiny and white with a lot of purpley-pink." Foxy blinked once or twice. "And Was I girly lookin' too?" You nodded. "You were a girl and my adopted mother. You were white with lots of Dark pink.. oh and lipstick!' Chica giggled. "Oh Foxy you were a girl!!!" Foxy crossed his arms. "Aye, shut up Lass" Chica looked back at you in a sad way. "And i didn't exist did I?" You shook your head. "Sadly, no... You seem like a very nice animatronic." Chica smiled. "Oh it's okay!!! I'm here now!!!" You looked around. "I need to get home though." The 4 nodded. Freddy looked worried. "Only 2 animatronic's can help you get back to your time... but... one hates being disturbed and the other needs the other to translate her speech." You nod. "Do what you must." Bonnie was quiet the entire time you 5 walked to the other pizzeria. You look at Bonnie. "Ay Bonnie? What's wrong?" He sighed. "If (Y/N) really DID base me off of a crush they had when they were 13 does that mean she has a crush on me?" You shrugged. "that's me in the future I sadly don't know. I'd tell you if I did know." You smiled. "But you do seem very sweet... If Your (Y/N) is anything like me Then They probably do!" Bonnie smiled and his eyes turned a bright pink. But you continued walking.

~Timeskip brought to you by Breadbear (If you get it tell me in the comments)~

(Before you read this next bit let me inform you on some things this is my Alternate Universe. The different versions of the animatronic's are from a different Universe and they all came to one and In my Alternate Universe Withered Bonnie is a girl and here are their names





now please don't go into the comments terrorizing me because this is all wrong! This is just my imagination Now i'll stop my chatting and let you continue)

"Parts and Services" You read aloud. They opened the door. There sat a version of Freddy Chica and Bonnie. Freddy was torn apart and missing an eye while Chica's beak was popped open and she lacked hands Bonnie missed and entire arm and Face... Freddy looked at The broken Version of himself. "Weddy, where is Felix? I need him to Translate Bonetta." The Broken Freddy now you knew was Weddy looked up. "I dunno... Chelsea? Do you know?" She shook her head. "yrros m'i on" Freddy nodded. "Bonnetta? Do you know where Felix is?" The faceless Bonnie Nodded. "Where We need your help. and we need him to translate. Can you show us?" Bonetta's missing glowing eyes turned Pink and she sank down and nodded. "She's shy." Foxy whispered to You. You kinda figured that out. 

~Timeskip brought to you by Freddy Fatbear (Okay I know you all got that joke)~

You walked into a room where An old broken down foxy stood, That must have been Felix. "Aye, Felix me brother... We need ya to do us a favor and Translate miss Bonnetta 'ere" Foxy stood straight. Felix Turned. "A-A-A-Aye. Br-Brother whattaya want... Ya know I hate b-b-bein' disturbed e-especially when-en ya-a know... I be-e doin' nuthin-in'." Freddy barged in. "Hey Felix we need Bonnetta to get (Y/N) Back to their time." Felix raised his only eyebrow. "But a-ain't (Y/N) Y-Your creator-or???" You stepped forward. "The one you know created these but I'm them from 9 years ago." Felix nodded. "Aye I s-see." Chica growled. "Hey Glitchy you gunna help or not?" Bonnie was quiet... oddly... Felix nodded. "Aye-e Chica.. no-o need to cause-ause hate..." He looked serious. "I-I'll help."

~Timeskip brought to you by Purple Guy's Death~

Bonnetta made arm movements and Felix spoke "The way (Y-Y/N) can get back to their-eir time is the version of them in the timeline their in confesses their love.." you nod you knew what you had to do... You had to get you to get yourself to confess to Bonnie. You turned to Bonnie. "Bonnie do you love me in this timeline?" Bonnie slumped backwards. "ho boy do I" Freddy and Chica were chuckling. and both yelled. "CONFESS AND THEY'LL CONFESS BACK!!!" 

                                                                                                            To Be continued....

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