Bon Bon why???

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You walk to you new hotel a long while from Utah, (In case you didn't know Utah is where the cannon FnaF Book is held) You were in Wyoming by now.... And you came home from the store. You saw all your candy on the floor. And Bon Bon was no where to be found... You started to give up when you heard giggles. You looked around. "Above you!!" you looked up and Bon Bon jumped on you. You screamed. And he laughed like a maniac. You puffed your cheeks out. "Seriously Bon Bon!!!" He laughed and started hopping around crazily. "Did you eat all my candy!?!?" He laughed. "I ATE SOMETHING BUT I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT WAS!!!" You face palmed and said. "No dessert for a week Bon Bon." He whined. "Awww Why???" You rolled your eyes. "Because You ate enough sweets today!!" He giggled. "THEY WERE SWEET!!!" Then you heard loud knocking on your door. You walked over to it, "Uh Miss/Sir, You or your friend is being very loud. Please Keep it down!" You nod. It was the Lady that owns the hotel. "Yes mam" she nods and Bon Bon Yells. "HELLO LADY!!!!" You turn and Say. "Bon Bon! be more quiet we have neighbors!!!" He laughed. "I can't!!!" You close your eyes and take a few deep breaths... "Mam I'm very sorry for Bon Bon's Craziness! i'll take him somewhere..." The lady nods. "Okay." You took Bon Bon to the park where he went so crazy he passed out. You picked him up and carried him back to the hotel.

Bon Bon X Reader (Fnaf sister location)Where stories live. Discover now