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Bon Bon looked at the boy...

You gulped as the Boy started to poke Bon Bon... He Pokes his eye... Bon Bon Hit the boys hand... The Boy looked at You... "Ha he's so life like!" You smiled awkwardly. "Yeah...." He held out his hand. "The name's Brent!" You shook his hand with your good hand... "(Y/N)" You smiled... You looked at Bon Bon who looked mad... Honestly... You understood why.... Brent did just try to poke his eye... You patted Bon Bon's Head... The Bell rang... "Oh Got to go! See you later (Y/N)!" He ran to class. You and Bon Bon looked for the main office... Then a male grown man stopped you in the hallway. "Who are you?" He looked slightly familiar... And you felt uncomfortable. You gulped and hid Bon Bon behind your back. "(Y-Y/N) I'm looking for the office..." The man chuckled and held Your chin... "Ah... I had a child named (Y/N) She left me and I haven't seen them for years..." You stepped away... "Anyways... May I ask who you are?" He laughed... "I'm the janitor... They call me Mr. (L/N)" You flinched... "Nice... Anyway... Can You show me to the office?" He nodded... He was your father... The one who killed your mom... You kept Bon Bon behind you... Your old You dared not call him Father.. Even if he has changed... No way would you forgive him! The Janitor Took you to the office... There was a very skinny lady with Glasses and her blonde hair was in a messy bun. "Oh Hello Jeffery!" The Janitor nodded. "Ello Miss Karry!" Karry looked at her papers... "Are you new miss?" She said looking at you... You nod... She asked you. "Name?" You blinked. "(Y/N)" Bon Bon was still behind your back... "Last name?" You bit your lip... "Uh... Funtime." She nodded. "Okay!" She printed a piece of paper and handed it to you... "There is your schedule! Have A Great day miss Funtime!" The Janitor Glared at you as you exited. You took Bon Bon from behind your back... "Really? Funtime?" You nod... "I'm Funtime Foxy's  child.. SO yeah!" He nodded... You looked at your schedule.

Period 1: Math - - Mrs. Chica

Period 2: Math - - Mr Bishop

Period 3: Art


Period 4: Science - - Mr Kenny

Period 5: Social Studies - - Ms. Lain

Period 6: Reading - - Ms. Sala

Period 7: Reading Mr. Kay

"Great" You grumbled to yourself. Bon Bon chuckled. "Sucks to be you." You laughed. "Ha Ha! You think you're out of this!?" Bon Bon grumbled... "Seriously??" You nod.. "You're a part of me now! Literally!" You chuckled... You entered your first period... Math... You knock on the door. The voice was high pitched and annoying. "Coming!" she opened the door... Her hair was a mess and she wore a lot of makeup. "Oh! You must be (Y/N)! But..." She looked at Bon Bon... "You have to take off the hand puppet...." You sighed and looked at Bon Bon... "I can't..." Bon Bon's face looked worried... "Why not child?" Mrs. Chica said. You sighed... "You might want to close the door..." She raised an eyebrow... "Okay?" She closed the door. "Now why not..?" You sigh.. "want me to show or tell?" Mrs. Chica rubbed the sides of her head.. "Both" You sigh... "I have no hand... this is a robot." She chuckled... "Oh really?" You nod..."I can show you if you don't believe me?" She nodded. "Show me." You sighed, and twisted off Bon Bon... You sat him down and he hopped around... Her eyes were practically popping out she was horrified... You spun him back on your arm. "Tell anyone... I will find you." Bon Bon Growled. You sighed. "Bon Bon!" He shrugged. "What?" You look at him. "Everyone is going to Find out... Mrs. Chica I apologize." You turned around and She was scared out of her mind... "Mrs. Chica?" You face palmed.... "Seriously Bon Bon You scared the shiznizzle out of her!" He puffed out his cheeks... "Sorry Mrs. Chica" She started gasping for air... "I-It's quite alright... Now tell me you 2's names.." Bon Bon and you said in unison "(Y/N) and Bon Bon." She nodded. "Bon Bon is the puppet correct?" Bon Bon growled... She flinched... "What?" You rolled your eyes.. "He hates being called a puppet." He nodded. "I prefer the term Animatronic." She nodded. "Alright... Come in you 2." There were 3 girls in the front looking at you giggling and whispering. Bon Bon glared at them.. You turned Bon Bon's head... and whispered to him. "Bon Bon calm down." He turned away. "fine" He growled.


The 3 girls from the beginning of class cornered you and Bon Bon in a corner. "Who are you??" The blonde girl who was obviously a fan of Melanie Martinez was probably the leader. "(Y/N)" You muttered... Bon Bon Growled. "Bon Bon calm down...." You glared at him... The blonde laughed. "HA! She's telling a Hand puppet to calm down!!!" Bon Bon's eye twitched. The Blonde stepped back. "How is that made???" You rolled your eyes... "He's an animatronic." She flutter her eyes. "Excuse me a what?" Bon Bon Laughed. "Animatronic. An animated robot. Idiot." You growled at Bon Bon. "Bon Bon You're going to get me killed!" He spun himself off your hand and hopped off your arm. The girls screamed. "WHAT THE HECK IS THAT!!!" They squealed. Mrs. Chica sighed. "Kiley, Adrianne, Leah! Calm down that's her hand" (I'm sorry if Any of those are your names But those are the mean girls. If that's your name I apologize and just imagine it's another name.) Kiley, The Blonde one screamed at Mrs. Chica "WOMAN HOW ARE YOU OKAY WITH THIS!?!?" Mrs Chica took a deep breath "They're handicapped Don't be scared of the animatronic." The girls squealed in fear and ran. "Thank you Mrs. Chica." You spun Bon Bon back on your hand. She smiled. "No problem (Y/N) anytime." She walked off.

--At your home--

"Bon Bon You ok?" He nodded... "I just got overprotective... You're all I have left... And I..I love you..." You kissed his head... "I Love you too Bon Bon." He looked at you.. "Family?" You decided now was the time you'd confess your love... "Bon Bon I love you more than Family or Friend... I-I..." He smiled. "I love you that way too..." From that day forward... You 2 were officially a couple... But you and him decided not to tell anyone... 

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