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  (Bon Bon P.O.V)

"Hello?" She smiled. 

I was hyperventilating. For I had just hopped and jumped over the fence at top speed. "Are you alright" I nod and point to my home. "H-Help???" I managed to breathe out. She nodded. "With???" I tugged the bottom of her dress which touched the ground telling her to follow me. She understood. We went in and you could still hear (y/n) puking. Our neighbor followed me to the bathroom. Where we could easily tell (Y/N) was very weak and still sickly. After a while She stopped throwing up our neighbor was a huge help by getting her hair back and getting washcloths to help clean up (Y/N). (Y/N) thanked her for her help and asked, "What's your name miss?" She smiled "Oh Dear! My name's Xyra" (Y/N) smiled back. "The Names (Y/N) and that's Bon Bon" Xyra shook her hand. "Nice to meet you 2. Now, we best get you to a hospital." (Y/N) nodded. "Okay." The 3 of us went outside. And Xyra looked confused. "Where is your car?" I giggled. We get this question a lot. "(Y/N) Walks everywhere!!!" Xyra smiled, "No wonder you're so fit." Then She saw (Y/N)'s missing hand. "What happened there?" (Y/N) coughed. "Long story." Xyra nodded. "I understand. But, you need rest. I'll drive you 2 to the hospital.

(Your P.O.V)

Xyra drove you and Bon Bon to the hospital. She was really nice. 

--3 hours later--

"(Y/N) Funtime?" the doctor called your name. You got up and Bon Bon and Xyra waited. 

"Well miss Funtime, we're going to run some tests. Alright?" You nod. "Yes sir." 

--After the tests--

You were waiting with Bon Bon and Xyra. When the doctor comes out and calls your name... You get up to see your results. "Miss Funtime... I'm excited to say, You're Pregnant." Your life froze with those 2 words... 'You're Pregnant.'

Bon Bon X Reader (Fnaf sister location)Where stories live. Discover now