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(Yes I know this is a tattletail song *Cries* I'm running out of song Idea's)

Bon Bon Point of View:

"Ah my head..." I woke up And (Y/N) was on the computer for some reason... But I ignored it.. I laid there and groaned in pain. "(Yyyyyyyyyyy/nnnnnnn)" I whined. They walked in. "Yes?" I held my head. "Oh! You ate too much candy yesterday... You must have hit your head too." I nod as (Y/N) explained. Everything blurred out as I passed out.

Your Point Of view:

Bon Bon had fainted and I carried him to the kitchen sink. I laid him in cool water... with his head above water of course... i let him sit there and hoped he'd wake up soon


You heard screaming come from the kitchen. You ran in there. Bon Bon was face down on the floor. He got up. "owwwww" He whined. "I tried to get out of the sink but I tripped and fell off it" He hopped up. You picked him up.. "Are you ok Bon Bon? You've been acting clumsy lately. Why?" His eyes turned a bright pink... "Dunno... Just have a lot on my mind I guess." You kissed his head.. "Well, Good news... I found us a place to live!" He looked at you. "What???" "A house we can live in without the receptionist coming up to tell us to be quiet." You smiled. 

Bon Bon X Reader (Fnaf sister location)Where stories live. Discover now