Bon Bon

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(This chapter has lots of feels)

You Cried and screamed as Bon Bon lay in your arms. Lifeless. You yelled his name. Over and Over. "BON BON WAKE UP!!!!" You cried harder as nothing happened. You had only one choice left... It was risky. But you had to do it... You had to save Bon Bon. You ran out of your hotel and Ran to the place you thought you left for good... Circus Baby's Pizza World. You Cried and Screamed For help. "BABY!?! BALLORA!?!? FREDDY!?!? FOXY!?!? ANYONE!?!?" You heard one voice and it was very familiar... You thought you'd never hear it again. "Hello Darling..." You turned around to see Ennard. You shook in place as tears streamed down your face. "Ennard... Where is everyone?!?!" Ennard's Face went from smiley to fear... "They're gone, (Y/N) Their insides got scooped out when You left." You felt your heart drop. "Then your my only hope Ennard." He raised his eyebrow. "What do you mean Darling?" You Held up Bon Bon's limp body. His Mouth curved up to a smile. "What did he do?" You smacked him. "HE TRIED TO KILL HIMSELF!!!" Ennard held his face and his face was in pure shock. "I'll Fix him." You hesitated to give Bon Bon to Him but you did. "I'm going to watch you." He nodded. "I understand." 

~2 days later~

Bon Bon hopped out with tears in his eyes. And you had cried for 2 days straight. "BON BON WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU DO THAT TO YOURSELF!?!?" Bon Bon swallowed air. "I thought you left me... For Brent... I thought the only person that was there for me was gone..." He Burst into tears and ran to you and screamed "DON'T LEAVE ME (Y/N)" You picked him up and kissed his forehead. "I'd Never leave you..." Ennard stood there with tears in his eyes. "So.... is that what true love is? Never leaving... Both people aren't forced to love each other..." he sniffed. "I'll never get what that feels like... Nobody will ever fall in love with me." You turn to Ennard. "Ennard. Come with me I want you to live with us... We can be a family..." You smiled... Ennard wiped a tear from his face. "You're kidding." You shook your head. "No" He hugged you. "Thank You (Y/N)" You smiled and held his hand while Bon Bon screwed himself onto your arm.

Ennard Looked around your hotel room. "How... Interesting." He poked the microwave. You chuckled. And Bon Bon puffed out his left cheek. "Ennard, That's a Microwave." You looked around... And you found an album on your table... You Didn't leave it there... Someone had been in your house. You opened it and saw pictures of you, your mom and dad... You covered your mouth and bit your lip. Trying not to scream. Your father knew... You Ran to Ennard. "ENNARD SOMEONE'S BEEN HERE!!!" you handed him the book. He looked through it. "That's you..." he pointed at the child in the picture. "I Know... My abusive father knows..." Ennard's eyes turned purple. "Abusive???" You cried "Yes!!! i don't want him to know I'm here! We need to LEAVE!!!" Your phone rang... It was Brent. You took a deep breath. "I'm going to talk to him..." You picked up the phone.

Brent: Hey, It this (Y/N)?

You: Yes.

Brent: Hey, Hey, Hey, Whats wrong you sound like you've been crying... 

You: It's nothing.

Brent: Okay... But me and Mrs. Chica were getting worried. You've not been at school for 2 days and you missed our little meet. 

You: I just had a... Problem...

Brent: Alright... But, Mr. (L/N) wanted to know where you went to as well and he was starting to creep me out so I tried calling you a lot...

You: I left my phone at my home. 

Brent: Was it that important?

You: Yeah...

Brent: okay will I see you at school tomorrow?

You: Maybe...

Brent: (Y/N) You're worrying me...

You: I may stop school altogether

Brent: WHAT!!? WHY!?!

Ennard (In Distance): (Y/N) What is this thing?!?! *Turns on Hairdryer*

You: GOOD LORD ENNARD!!! Uh Brent, gotta go bye!

Brent: Wait--

You hang up and run into the bathroom where Ennard is using the Hair Dryer on Bon Bon who was asleep. You unplugged it and chuckled. "Oh Ennard That's a hair dryer! You can hurt people with it..." he nodded. "Oh" You took the Hair Dryer. "Uhm.... Lets go to sleep... I'm Tired... You look tired." He nodded and slept on the couch. Then Brent started to text you. 

Brent: Who Was that before you hung up... And was he asking what a hair dryer was???

You: Kinda.

Brent: Why?

You: Long story

Brent: I can wait

You: No you can't... It's personal. 

Brent: Oh... By the way... It your dad the Janitor?

You: no why.

Brent: He said he was.

You: oh he's weird.

Brent: Yeeeeeaaaahhh..

You: What

Brent: He's right behind me holding a knife


Brent: I can't

You: Why not!?!

You: Brent...



Brent: Hello Dear (Y/N)

You: You're not Brent...

Brent: How did you know?


Brent: Brent is dead.


Brent: Woah Woah... (Y/N) I'm kidding.

(Brent Sent a picture of himself)


Brent: ha ha!

You: -_- 

You put the phone down and you decided not to talk to Brent until you next saw him.  And you finally went to bed Beside Ennard and Bon Bon...

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