His Insanity...

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Freddy P.O.V:

Bon Bon and me were best buddies. Now that (Y/N) has decided to invade our lives things have been much different. I NEED MY BON BON BACK tears ran down my pink cheeks. And i felt like a part of me was taken away. Bon Bon was a part of me... Literally he was my hand... But now hes HERS i'm not ready to let you go Bon Bon

3 days later still funtime Freddy P.O.V

I growled as (Y/N) came to talk to me... She held her hands up all innocent... "What did I do?" She asked... I glared at her... "You stole my best buddy.. I can't forgive that..." She looked at me with this stupid look... "What? BonBon?" I threw my arms up. "Naw!!!" She gulped... "Freddy... I'm sorry... I-I..." I hushed her... I grabbed her by the neck... "SORRY DON'T CUT IT"  And I threw her down... Then walked away... 

{Sorry for the short chapter TwT forgive me}

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