The Angel Realm by VictoriaSlight

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Vanetta had the perfect life. Good friends, good grades and a household with no problems what so ever.

Until she died.

She ends up on the level below forever peace. The Angel Realm. Since she didn't die happy, she has become an angel and has a destiny to fulfil. She was asked if she wanted anyone to join her in the angel realm. When she was about to answer, Drew, her crush showed up out of nowhere next to her.

They learn together how to survive in The Angel Realm, with the strict rules and ways so they can earn their wings. But is the afterlife all it's cracked up to be or is it just like earth?

My Review:

I love this story plot,it is so unique. However, you should really add more details for the important parts like for example, did dew and Vanetta die together in the same car incident? What are the missions briefly about and-don't forget to throw in some examples!

I'm really looking forward to the next chapter of this story! I love how it is so unique and how the idea is so fresh.

Ratings : ★★★★☆

The story has 3 chapters.

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