part 9

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i held micah's hand in mine as i looked at him. i decided to stay home from school and micah's mom really didn't care. i smiled at him and he smiled back. it was 7 in the morning and i could tell he was sleepy, he just didn't want to admit it.

"hey, babe, if you're tired you can go to my room and sleep. once my mom gets home i'll take you to the mall to shop." i told him and i saw his smile grow. he had the cutest smile ever and i loved it.

he yawned and waved his hand in front of his face as if it were nothing. "i'm okay, but thank you. i just didn't bring money." he told me, his smile falling slightly and i shook my head. i let go of his hand and placed it on his cheek.

"i was going to pay for it, babe. don't worry about money, this is all on me." i said and he smiled once more wrapping his arms around my neck, hugging me tightly. i returned the gesture, pulling him into my lap. he yawned once more, causing me to yawn and i rolled my eyes. i picked him up gently and carried him back to my room, gently placing him on my bed and laying next to him.

"hey caleb," micah started but got cut off by another yawn. i hummed quietly, signaling him to continue. "i like you." he finished and i felt my cheeks heat up. of course, this was his tired state of mind so it couldn't be true. i wrapped my arms around him and smiled against his neck.

"i like you too, micah." i said and soon fell asleep with my arms wrapped around an angel.

i woke up to the sound of a camera snapping signaling that someone or something was taking pictures of micah and i. out of instinct i opened one eye and threw what was closest to me, a book, at the sound. i then opened both of my eyes abd sat up, squinting slightly. i noticed i knocked my sisters phone out of her hand, i smiled devilishly and she rolled her eyes.

"next time just ask." i said as i got out of bed slowly, trying my best not to wake up micah. monica grumbled under her breath and threw a sock at me.

"you're lucky the screen didn't crack." she said to me as she sat in my computer chair. i shrugged, not really caring about what i did and stepped into my closet. "so, is that micha? the boy mom has been talking about?" monica asked and i nodded. soon realizing she couldn't see me.

"yeah that's him." i said as i walked out of my closet with new clothes on. i walked towards my bathroom, quickly fixing my hair and putting my glasses back on. i looked over at micah and smiled, he looked peaceful. i didn't want to disturb him but mom would be here and he needed to get ready.

"you two are so cute. you should definitely ask him out." monica said as she scrolled through her phone.

i looked over at her and shook my head, blushing slightly. "not yet. soon, but not right now." i told her and sat at the foot of my bed. i slipped my black vans on and grabbed micah's hand. i squeezed it softly causing his eyes to flutter "hey micah, time to wake up."

he hummed and i smiled softly. i let go of his hand and he sat up, rubbing his eyes. from the corner of my eye i saw monica leave and i quietly thanked her. "what?" he muttered and i giggled.

"come on sleepy head, my mom will be here soon and you need to get ready." i said and he nodded slowly. "you can shower if you want and feel free to take any clothes from my closet, babe."

he nodded and got up, walking towards my bathroom shutting the door behind him. i smiled and grabbed my phone, texting my mom.

what time will you be here?

i waited a while and soon got a response. i heard the shower running and micah's soft voice singing quietly to some song. he was the cutest and i couldn't help but have feelings for him. even if i didn't want to, i did.

mom 🌷
in about ten minutes.
are y'all ready?
yea, micah is showering right now though. you should give us about fifteen minutes?

she responded with an okay and i heard the shower turn off. "caleb, i'm coming out right now. no peeking, loser." he said as i laughed quietly.

"i thought you were already out?" i questioned jokingly and i could basically hear him roll his eyes. typical gay joke.

"oh shut up!" he shouted and walked out of the bathroom. i diverted my eyes immediately and as soon as i heard my closet door shut, i looked up.

i stepped out of my room and headed for the kitchen, grabbing an apple. i lifted myself up on the counter and i heard my mom walk in. "hi ma, how was work?" i asked and she smiled at me.

"hey hun, it was decent. we had a lot of patients today." she sighed and grabbed a water from the fridge.

my mom is a nurse and she works almost everyday. i feel bad for her but it's a good paying job and it isn't that bad. i smiled at her and nodded.

i heard my bedroom door close so i jumped off of the counter and finished my apple. i looked over to my door and saw micah, he looked amazing in my clothes.

"take a picture it'll last longer." he smirked and i blushed slightly. who knew he'd have such an impact on me.

this was going to be a long day.


my chapters have gotten longer and i don't know how to feel. pride month is now, sadly, over. i've always been having a bad couple of days but n e ways.

respect pronouns! be nice! ily! you're worth it!


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