part 16

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my mother was shocked at my words and to be truthful, so was i. hell, everyone in the room was. what shocked me even more, were the words that fell from her mouth.

"fine, leave but do not come crawling back to me when things backfire. i'll accept you as my son, but i will not have you live under this roof when you're dating him." she said a slight grimace on her face as she pointed at caleb, who still held a hand on this cheek.

i rolled my eyes at her words, "then i'll move out early." i loved her, truly i did but i was tired of being treated like i wasn't human. i wasn't going to put up with it any longer. "and you owe him an apology, it's one thing to hit your own kids but hitting someone else's kid? shame."

she scoffed and mumbled a quiet whatever, which wasn't near an apology, and walked out of my room. i sighed and slumped against the bed frame of my bed.

"you're really leaving early?" tyler asked as he walked over to me and rested his head against my shoulder. i nodded and gave him a soft, sad smile.

"i'm sorry, kiddo. i love you and travis both so much and i can't leave him. i'll visit or you can visit me and we'll have sleepovers." i told the younger boy and he smiled at me. for an eight year old, he understood so much and was the most accepting child i've ever met.

"i know what you mean plus, if you ever broke up with caleb just to live here i would kick you out just so you can be with him again." he joked as he looked up at caleb, a small smile forming on my face as well as his. he looked back at me and poked my nose, "we better have sleepovers."

i laughed quietly and nodded, diverting my gaze to travis. "don't worry, i'll invite you to the sleepovers." i joked causing him to chuckle and shake his head.

"i'm proud of you, little boy. you finally stood up to ma." travis said and i nodded my head, pretending to wipe away sweat.

"it definitely was a hassle." i said and everyone laughed, even caleb. i stood up from my spot and sat next to him, my hand on his shoulder. "i hope ms. smith doesn't mind me living there?"

caleb chuckles and shakes his head. "she wouldn't mind at all." he says causing me to jump up and clap my hands.

"what are y'all doing just sitting here? help me pack."


"i can't believe that actually happened." i mumbled against caleb's shoulder. he nodded his head as he continued to scroll through his phone, pressing a quick kiss to my head as he turned it off.

"boys? dinner is done. i'm heading out, late shift at work." ms. smith said and we both nodded.

"thanks again for letting me stay here, ms. smith." i say as i stand up and walk towards her. she just smiles at me and rests her hand on my shoulder.

"don't tell him i told you this but, caleb has been so much happier since he met you. i haven't seen him smile that much since he started T, so thank you for that. please call me harper, you're one of us now." she winked at me as she grabbed her keys. "bye boys!" and with that she left, leaving caleb and i alone.

i couldn't help but smile at her words as i headed to the island and took a seat. "are you hungry?" caleb asks me as he grabs two plates and i shake my head.

"no thanks, babe. i'm fine." i say and i hear him scoff.

"you're eating, baby. i don't care, sorry not sorry." he smiles at me, earning an annoyed groan in return. i wasn't annoyed at all, in fact i was the happiest i could ever be. i have a boy who actually loves me and cares for me, someone who takes care of me and someone who'll stop what he's doing just to make sure i'm okay, so i am nowhere near annoyed more on the side of ecstatic, complete euphoria.

he set a plate in front of me and i thanked him as he sat across from me. "so, we're roommates now. how do you feel about that, baby?" caleb asks me and i blush slightly, the pet name still causing butterflies to emerge in my stomach.

"i feel like this is what it would feel like once we graduate." i say and he just chuckles. soon enough we both finish eating and we're now watching a movie on his bed.

"you know, i'm very fond of you." caleb says out of nowhere causing a giggle to fall from my lips.

"i'm very fond of you as well." i respond as i stare up at him, his eyes fixated on the movie while i sit here and admire him.

"baby, you're staring." he turns to look at me, a smile forming on his face as he does so.

i shake my head and press a kiss to his cheek, "i'm not staring i'm admiring you." i simply state.

he chuckles at my words and i smile to myself. i love this boy, i am in love with this boy and i would never ask for anyone else. no one could love me like he does, no one could make me feel like he does and i'm beyond grateful for him. i have never loved a human being as much as i love caleb, nothing could ever stop me from loving him.

"you're cute when you admire me." he says as he places a soft kiss onto my forehead. i smile to my myself and shrug slightly.

"you're cute all the time." i say causing the taller boy to let out a deep chuckle. "aw! baby, your voice is getting deeper."

caleb blushes lightly, taking my hand in his and intertwining our fingers. "what did i ever do to deserve you." he mutters as he looks down at me, a wide smile forming on my face.

"i can't tell you what you did but i'll tell you how you got me." i say with a slight giggle. i find myself doing that a lot and most people think it's a girly act when it isn't, any gender can giggle.

"and how did i manage to get such a wonderful boy like you?" he asks causing a blush to spread across my face.

"well, you first thought it would be a good idea to go back to public school. second, you came out to the class and sat next to me. third, you got that doctor to get me a binder which i'm still so happy about. and lastly, you helped me realize that no one should put me down because i am strong and i am a real boy." i stated, saying the last sentence with  much more confidence.

he sighed happily as he looked over at me, the biggest smile i've ever seen on his face. "have i ever told you that i am so in love with you?" he asked dreamily.

i nod my head, a small giggle slipping past my lips. "yes you have and have i ever told you that i love you with all of my heart?" i ask as i climb onto his lap so i can see his face much more clearly.

"yes you have babyboy, and i love you so much more."

ITS SHORT IK IM SRY BUT they are so cute i love them sm. sadly it's ending in two more chapters!

i love you all, you aren't alone okay babies. if you need someone i am always here.


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