Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Thumbing through the bible Pastor Aaron had gifted her today, she appeared on the memory verse she'd heard at church. It was mid afternoon and Mrs. Asamoah had taken over lunch duty as she had said it was time they took a rest as she gave them a treat, none of them complained about it knowing the older woman was more than capable of handling a kitchen, changing into some homey clothes, a pink v necked long sleeved t-shirt and white long skirt, she laid on the bed seeking to understand the mystery of the word preached today. Today's teaching had been on living for Christ.

Philippians 1:21
For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.

For me to live is Christ? How can you living be Christ? Pondering on it, she tried to apply the verse Pastor Aaron had said about the body being the vessel of the Holy Spirit. If that was so, the body was just a container for the Holy Spirit to do the living in. So our living would be for the Holy Spirit as he is the one actually doing the living.

So if I'm living for the Holy Spirit I am also living for Christ. Since in essence, they all make part of the tripartite nature of God. So then for me to live is Christ because I do live for him and not myself.

A knock made her raise her head from her Bible and notebook to look at the door, "Come in"

Daniel walked in, she sat up from her position where she was lying on her stomach facing the door which was directly at the foot of the bed.

"Can I come in? I mean are you okay with me coming in here?"

Sophia stared at him. Was that sweat on his forehead? He couldn't be that nervous just to see her or was it the fact that he was in his room? Did this room hold so many memories for him? Or was he preparing to launch another tirade of accusations on her?

"Erm are you okay if I come in?"

"You are already in the room I believe" she said quietly giving him a quick glance before closing the bible and her notebook.

"Oh that's right" he cleared his throat before continuing to speak, "I wanted to apologize for how I spoke to you last night"

She opened her mouth to speak but he raised his hand, "Please let me speak. Please I ask of you let me finish" he sounded as though one who was prepared to give a speech and didn't want any distraction else his lines were going to get distorted in his head.
Was he preparing to give a speech, a rehearsed one at that?
She nodded for him to continue. "Thank you. It's not an apology for just yesterday, but all that has happened since I met you. And I want to say I'm sorry for the way things have been between us. There's being some kind of edginess around and I claim responsibility for that so I want to ask that you forgive and last night I took it too far"

"It's okay I forgive you" she cut in as the way she saw it he was going to continue till he was lost of words to continue showing remorse. "I'm at fault too. So forgive me"

He shook his head in the negative, "No you are not. Everything is on me. I just couldn't act matured enough to accept the fact that you've found yourself a home in this house as well as a family. I'm sorry and I want us to start over. As friends, hope you will be okay with that?"
She nodded smiling, "Of course but I'm sorry too. And I guess we can be friends" she stretched her hand for a shake which he took and shook quickly with hesitancy.

"It's okay and thanks" he forced a smile, his beard accommodating the smile.

"And I'm sorry your room is hijacked by me"

"Don't worry, I'm not mad or anything. I kind of do like out of this room for a change. And besides you can sleep in it and I can give my room out to a friend can't I?"

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