Chapter 3

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Bella was inspecting her new sword when Kili's shout startled her.
"Wargs! " he yelled. Bella ran ahead, behind the Company, and saw huge wolf-like creatures in the distance. Kili immediately readied his bow and pointed it towards the leading Warg. The wargs reached them and were instantly shot with arrows by Kili. Fili jumped ahead and killed the rest, including an orc that had been riding one of the wargs.
Thorin stepped forward and scowled. "Scouts. We need to hurry if we are being trailed. Hurry! " he barked, dwarves nodding and then quickly packing everything. Bella was about to help when she noticed the dwarf king. Thorin was standing at the edge of the group staring ahead.
Bella stepped forward and was about to help Kili regain his arrows when something moved near Thorin. Her shout did enough to alert the dwarf to the orc that had crept up towards him. Thorin quickly swung his new sword through the air, dispatching the orc. He turned around, glaring. The Company regrouped by their king and began on their way.
"That was quick thinking there, Bilbo. " Bofur remarked beside her.
The hobbit started for a moment, quickly regaining her composure. "Oh.. T-Thanks, Bofur. " she stammered. He grinned, hat lopsided. At a call from Bombur he raced ahead.
She was watching Thorin when the king dropped his things and shouted to the Company that they would camp there. Bella sat down and watched Bombur set up for their dinner. Nearby, Oin and Gloin were starting their fire. Fili and Kili were at the edge of the group practicing their fighting skills.
"C'mon, Bilbo! Over here! " Kili called. Bella smiled and walked over towards the brothers. Kili smiled at the hobbit, gesturing to her sword she held in her hands.
Bella held up her sword hesitantly and dropped it when Kili's hit hers. Fili chuckled. He grabbed her arms and positioned them to withstand Kili's mock attack. Standing behind her, he held onto her thin arms as his brother swung his sword again.
"You have to hold onto your sword, Bilbo. " Fili said. "You wouldn't last long in a fight with the skills you have now. "
Kili nodded and lowered his sword. "Exactly. Try again. "
The young dwarf was about to swing again when Dwalin approached. "And just what are you two doing? " he growled.
Fili looked up at the dwarf. "Helping teach Bilbo how to fight. We were practicing and I thought we might as well teach him how. "
"Thorin specifically told me to teach him. " Dwalin said. He rolled his eyes, clearly getting tired of the king.
"You don't mind, do you? " Kili asked, eyes round. Dwalin relented, muttering something about 'being busy'. Kili grinned, looking back at Fili.
The blonde dwarf resumed what he'd been doing. As Bella raised her sword she caught Thorin's eye. The dwarf watched her for a moment before turning away. Bella stared at the dwarf until Kili's next blow shook her arms.
"Pay attention, hobbit. "
Bella tried to smile. "Sorry. "
Kili patted her on the shoulder reassuringly. Bella smiled then, looking up into the young dwarf's hopeful face.
They repeated the practice until Bella could hold her sword up when Kili hit it. After the fourth time, Fili grasped her shoulder and grinned.
"I think you're starting to get it, Bilbo. Practice, alright? " he said. Bella nodded and watched Kili and Fili finish their practice session. She found a comfortable nook behind a rock. To her surprise, Thorin stood in front of the rock, followed by Dwalin.
"You're sure we're on time? " Dwalin's rough voice asked.
"Of course. We avoid Rivendell as well as possible and make for the Misty Mountains. After that, straight to Erebor before winter comes. We don't want to be stuck in the Desolation when it snows. "
"Okay. We are all strong enough, except for-"
Thorin cut Dwalin off. "The hobbit. Yes, I know. Kili and Fili think they can teach him to fight. At this rate, Baggins will be dead before we reach the Mountains. He is nothing more than a burden. "
Bella scowled. He thought her weak. She'd show him she could be as strong as any Dwarven warrior.


Bella walked behind Gandalf as they trudged through a small forest. They reached the other side, Thorin seeming agitated.
"Where on earth are we, Gandalf? " he burst out.
The wizard smiled as they walked through a archway and into a valley. Thorin immediately scowled. Bella, in contrast, brightened. Even she could tell that this place felt Elvish. Her suspicions were confirmed when a troop of elves on horses surrounded them. Bofur grabbed her and pulled her into the middle of the group without warning. Gandalf walked up to a tall, dark-haired elf.
"Mithrandir. " the elf greeted.
"Lindir. " Gandalf said. What he said next was unclear as he and the elf began conversing in Elvish.
Bella turned as another dark-haired elf leapt off of his horse and walked up to Gandalf.
"My Lord Elrond. "
Elrond turned to the group with a smile. He spoke Elvish, Gloin mistaking it for insult. Gandalf chuckled and told them he offered them food.
Later, Bella found herself sitting on a long table in the seat closest to the small table where Thorin sat with Gandalf and Elrond. In this setting, she couldn't help but admire the dwarf. Everything in Rivendell seemed fairer than usual. She listened to the Dwarven king and Elrond instead of the dwarves at her own table.
After Elrond had identified Thorin's sword as Orcrist and Gandalf's as Glamdring, the Elven lord turned to the map.
"Thror's map. " he murmured.
Thorin nodded. "We had hoped that it contained information on a way to get into the Mountain. My father and grandfather had a secret door they used to escape. "
"And you want to use it to get in. " Elrond said. "There may be hidden runes on this map, most likely moon runes. "
Bella turned back to her table and looked at her own sword at her waist. She pulled it out of the makeshift sheath slightly. Balin noticed and put a hand on her arm.
"I wouldn't bother, laddie. Swords are named for what they've done in battle. "
She looked up. "So you don't think my sword has seen battle? "
Balin chuckled. "I don't think it's a sword. More of a letter opener, really. "

Correct me if I get anything wrong here

Later that night, Bella was gathered with most of the Company around Elrond on an outcropping in Rivendell.
She watched as the moon moved away from the clouds and shone straight at them. Elrond held up the map.
"Woah. " she whispered when the moon lit up glowing silver runes on Thorin's map.
"Stand by the grey stone when the thrush knocks, and the setting sun with the last light of Durin's Day will shine upon the keyhole." Elrond read. "What is Durin's Day? "
Thorin straightened up and answered. "Durin's Day is, as all should know, the first day of the last moon of Autumn on the threshold of Winter, the Dwarves' New Year. " Thorin said. "Durin was the father of the Longbeards, I am his heir. "
Elrond nodded, handing the map back to the Dwarven king. Thorin took it and tucked it into his pocket. Bella turned with a few of the dwarves to head to bed. She was too tired to think about the cryptic runes on the map.

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