Chapter 32

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Thanks for 5.7k reads on this story! It really means a lot to me when you guys read my stuff. I'm open to constructive criticism, so feel free to leave comments and suggestions.
NOTE: I will be screwing with the canonical timeline regarding the Fell Winter at the end of the chapter.
I've been thinking about making an updating schedule and putting a new chapter up every Sunday. What do you guys think?
Enjoy the chapter!!

    The Great Hall was in a state of organised chaos when Bella Baggins wandered in. With less than two weeks until Yule, those inside the Mountain were working hard to prepare for the holiday. It seemed as if they were trying to replace the grief from the battle with the festivities.
    Bella was normally either with Thorin as he slowly recovered and took over a few duties from Fili and Dain or she was with Ori, repairing the destroyed books and documents in the rebuilt library. Legolas had joined them, helping where he could with the Sindarin texts. Though there were rules against outsiders learning the secret language of Khuzdul, Ori had been teaching her basic words. At least, words she hadn't already picked up on the journey. Legolas had been teaching her basic Sindarin as well. She already knew a few words from the elves that would sometimes pass through the Shire, but that was hardly enough.
    Kili grinned when he saw her coming, dropping the decorations in his hands to pull her into a hug. "Bella! What are you doing around here? "
    Shoving him away playfully, she gestured around them. "I thought I could help out. " she said. "I have a few skills in this area, you know. "
    Legolas appeared, seemingly out of thin air as he was wont to do. He handed the small log he'd been carrying to one of the Men nearby.
    "There you are. I was hoping I'd be able to find you before I go. "
    Bella turned around, frowning. "Are you leaving already? " she began. "I thought you would stay for Yule. "
   He shook his head. "I must return home. My father sent a letter requesting that I return, as did Tauriel. "
   Kili dropped the hammer, the metallic sound echoing throughout the Hall. "She's leaving? "
   "Just for a short time. " Legolas assured. "I am sure she will be back as soon as she is able. "
   "Oh. Okay. Well, I'll be back, then. " the dwarf rambled before running off, presumably to find Tauriel before she left the Mountain. Bella watched him until the edges of his coat disappeared around the doorway.


    Bella didn't see the royal brothers (it was still very odd to think of them as princes) until a few days later. She stood on the parapet looking out over the land when they appeared on either side of her. Fili now leaned on an intricate cane found in the Mountain, and Kili against the outer wall.
    They stood in silence until Fili spoke up, his gaze fixed on the far distance. "You miss the Shire, don't you? " he asked. Kili turned to look at her, studying her expression.
    She nodded. "Yes. Of course I do, it's my home. "
    "Maybe... " Kili hesitated for a second, "Maybe Erebor could be your home too? Just like how the Blue Mountains will always be home for me and Fili, but Erebor is our home too now. "
    Bella turned to look at the young dwarf, smiling at his hopeful expression.
    "I'm sure it could be. "
    Fili spoke up, a hint of a smile appearing. "I think Uncle would very much like it if you stayed. "
    "I know that. "
    "No, you don't see how different he is when you're there. He really looks happier, and he seems to make more of an effort to get better. " Kili said excitedly. The prince's voice finished in a near-whisper. "He really does love you. I’ve never seen him like that before. "
    Bella sighed, for a second imagining what it would be like to stay in Erebor..... to stay with Thorin. Neither of them had said what would happen next, whether she would return to Bag-End or stay in the Mountain by his side. She very much missed the Shire, the rolling hills where she'd played as a faunt, the little creek by her smial where the children would gather. But maybe....
    Fili laid a hand on her shoulder, speaking with a bit of wisdom far beyond his years. "Just think about what you would miss most. Maybe then you'll know where you belong. "

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