Chapter 33

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Thanks for reading this far! This will sadly be the last chapter of this fic. There will be a short epilogue afterwards and a small sequel story, and possibly a third one!

Enjoy this final chapter and thanks again!

Thorin sat down with a huff, letting go of Dwalin and falling into the chair. He watched a few other dwarves, directed by Balin, decorated the room for Yule. A small tree (more of a branch really) stood in the corner and assorted green decorations were scattered all around.

"Decorations might be a bit much." Dwalin grumbled. Thorin chuckled at the annoyance in his voice.

"Relax, Dwalin. We have not had the opportunity for a celebration like this in a long time."

The warrior gave a grunt and shot a knowing look at Thorin. "Then why do I get the feeling that you're fine with all of this because Bella wanted it?" he said, smirking. Thorin threw a halfhearted punch at him, a slight blush to his cheeks.

"That isn't the only reason."

Balin grinned as he walked over. "But it is one of the reasons, I'm sure." he remarked. "I need to ask you about something, Thorin."

The king glanced up. "Yes?"

"I had thought that it would be easier for you to not have to travel to the Great Hall. Bella mentioned that we could hold a private Yule celebration here, with the Company, this year."

Dwalin nodded. "You're still a bit too injured for that trip."

"If you think it best. It might be nice to have the Company together, I suppose."

Thorin surveyed the room, smiling. Dwalin seemed about to say something when Bella strode in, covered in flour and something that may have been jam. She stood by his chair and handed him another wrapped package.

"More cookies, I hope?" the king asked. Bella grinned, unwrapping the package for him. Inside lay two small cookies with some kind of red jam in the middle.

"Of course. These are from the last batch that went in the oven until Yule. Bombur has mostly everything ready for the feast now. I managed to steal these."

Thorin was busy enough watching Bella explain about her day that he didn't notice they were the only ones left in the room. He watched her explain some crazy event that had happened in the kitchen, smiling at the bright look in her eyes and the way her hair was still in a crazy mess of curls atop her head. She looked beautiful in the light streaming in from the window behind him.

Bella glanced out of said window, watching the ravens fly back to their roosts for the night.

She had been surprised to learn that there were actual windows in the Mountains. The sunlight from them seemed to be comforting to her, perhaps to remind her of her far-off home. Thorin had found her curled up in the armchair by the window, a book laying forgotten by her hand.

'The light is good for reading, and the armchair is just too comfortable to not fall asleep in.' she had sniffed at him when he found her there one morning.

As she sat in the other armchair across from his, her legs curled under her as she sat down, he smiled. It was odd how well she had fit herself into his life and the lives of those others in Erebor so easily. She felt like that one missing piece of the puzzle that was needed for the whole thing to work perfectly.

And maybe she was the piece he'd been waiting for.


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