Chapter 18

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     Legolas Thranduilion sat on the edge of a wooden path of Laketown. He watched the Lonely Mountain in the distance and hoped that the small hobbit was still alive.
     He pondered the fact that the whole Company seemed to treat her as one of their own kin. Legolas marveled that as small a creature such as Bella Baggins had managed to capture the hearts of a group of surly Dwarvish warriors.
     Even more amazing was the affections shown to her by the King Under The Mountain. The previously angry and resentful dwarf seemed calmer and easier to deal with now, but only if Bella was within his reach.
     Yes indeed. Bella Baggins was indeed a strange being.
     "I got it! Look Legolas, I finally got it! "
     The elf turned to look at the overjoyed boy next to him. Bain, the young son of Bard, was sitting next to Legolas with a fish in his hand and a fishing pole in the other.
     "That you did. " Legolas said.
     Bain grinned and jumped up. "I've got to show my father! Come on Legolas! "
     The elven prince chuckled, following the young boy. Bain grabbed his hand and dragged him along. They'd just about made it to Bard's home when a noise like a great storm filled the air. A roaring sound filled Legolas' ears. The elf spotted a spot in the distance. A dragon-shaped spot.
     Smaug had come.
     Bain noticed the dragon and shrieked in terror. Legolas pulled the boy forwards and burst into the house. Two girls were standing near a sink, wet clothing in their hands.
     "Bain what-"
     The boy looked to Legolas. His fear had glued his mouth shut. "The dragon is coming. You must flee while you still can. Head for the trees! " Legolas ordered. "Run! "
     The elder sister nodded. "Come on, Tilda. We must hurry. "
     "But Sigrid-"
     "Master Legolas has told us to leave, and I'm not leaving you behind. Let's go! " Sigrid commanded. Nodding curtly at the elf she darted away with her sister in tow.
     Legolas was just about to leave when a man blocked the doorway and a voice sounded. "What's going on here? Where are my girls? "
     "Bard. The dragon is headed for Laketown. I sent the girls to run to the forest to keep them safe. "
     "The dragon? " Bard whispered. Legolas nodded.
     "Yes. I do not dare to think what the dwarves have done to awake him, but whatever has happened we are in great danger. "
     The bowman nodded. He stepped forward when he caught sight of his son.
     "Bain? "
     "I-I caught a fish, Da. A real big one. " the boy whispered.
     Bard smiled and looked up. His gaze connected with the bright-blue one of Legolas, and he instantly knew what to do.


     Bain peeked around the corner of a frail building. He turned around and nodded. His father followed, clutching a long, black arrow in his hand. Legolas darted forwards and held his bow-string taut with an arrow poised to shoot.
     "Where are we going, Bard? The dragon will be here any minute. " the elf hissed.
     Bard gestured to a lone tower in the midst of the town. "There. If we can get up there, we'll at least have a fighting chance. "
     Legolas watched the man beside him for a moment. Bard's face was set in a grim expression, seemingly focused on saving his town.
     "Come on. We mus- "
     A piercing scream split the chilly lakeside air, a scream that Legolas felt down to his bones. They had barely a moment's notice before Smaug descended from the sky in a fury of wings and flame. Bain crouched behind Legolas and his father. He was staring, slack-jawed in awe as the dragon began burning up the town.
     "Hurry! " Bard shouted. The three raced ahead to the tower. As they ran, Legolas couldn't help but wonder what was going on in the Mountain.
     If the dwarves had failed.
     If they had fallen to the dragon.
     If Bella had been killed.
     No. He couldn't think like that.
     The elven prince shook himself lightly, racing to try and catch up with the bowman and his son.
     The dragon's fire was too close for comfort when their plans were nearly unraveled.
     Bain cried out. He'd fallen behind Bard and Legolas in their race to the tower. The elf spun around to see the boy on the walkway, lying there.
    Oh no.
    The dragon's fire was mere yards away.
    The boy was right in his path.
     And his foot was trapped under a board.
     Bard had already ran ahead and was too far away to help.
    Oh, sweet Lady Yavanna, this didn't seem like it would end well.
     "H-Help.... "
     Legolas tried his best to pull Bain's foot out. The boy struggled to free himself. Pulling the board, Bain tugged his foot.
     "It's stuck. "
     The elf stood back, readying his bow. Aiming carefully, he released it in Bain's direction.
     "T-Thanks. " the boy murmured as he stumbled ahead. He pulled the arrow out of the sodden wood and tossed it to Legolas.
     Legolas focused on the tower, the dragon's roar growing ever closer. Boats full of townspeople raced past to escape the wroth of Smaug.
     They might not be quick enough.


     Gandalf sighed, leaning on his staff.
     "You are sure of this? "
     The wizard nodded. "Of course I am sure. The old fortress is occupied once again, and evil in spawning from it. There is a Necromancer there, or something worse. "
     Thranduil stopped his pacing and frowned. "I had feared it. Tauriel brought reports of increased spiders. I did not want to believe that they were back. I do not want any spawns of Ungoliant in my forest. "
     "Nonetheless, they are back. And there is more. " Gandalf paused for a breath, the elf turning to look at him. "A great army gathers, led by Azog the Defiler. Their spies that I have caught speak of vengeance on the Line of Durin. "
     "What do I care for the misfortunes of the dwarves? By all rights, they should be in my dungeons. "
      Gandalf huffed in annoyance. "You of all people should realise the significance Erebor holds. I fear that a darker force is behind Azog. That force must be the reason he did not die in Nanduhirion. "
     "I suppose. "
     "There is more. Your son is in Laketown. Bard, a Man of Girion's line, sent me a message by a thrush. " A pause. "Smaug has left the Mountain. He has attacked Laketown. Bard asks for help from his town's greatest trading partner. "
     Thranduil nodded. "Fine. I will help, but I will reclaim that which is mine in that mountain. Whether Oakenshield lives or dies, I will have them back. "


     "Legolas! " Bard shouted. The trio had barely managed to escape to the tower. The elf was surprised that the tower had been left unburned.
     If he was Smaug, he would have destroyed it just for it's 'pleasure to burn' value.
     Clambering to the top, Legolas boosted Bain up before following. They stood at the top of the tower watching as Smaug turned the once-prosperous town was turned into a fiery desolation.
     "Oh. " Legolas murmured. The town was ruined. Bard's face was set in a grim line. Without any words between them, the elf handed the long, black arrow to the bowman. The man moved over to the arrow launcher on the top of the tower.
     Then he appeared.
     Bard placed the arrow into the launcher and pulled back. He jumped, startled, when a thrush landed on his shoulder. When it spoke, he was amazed to find that he could understand it.
     "Look for the hollow on the right side of his chest as he turns above you. It is unprotected there. "
     The bowman nodded. "A-Alright. Send word for help. Please. The people will need it. "
     The bird chirped and flew off. Bard readied the arrow as Smaug flew above the town.
     "If ever you came from the forges of the true King Under The Mountain, speed well and hit your mark. " Bard whispered as he released the black arrow, aiming for the one spot on Smaug's underside that did not shine in the firelight.
     Legolas, despite the danger, smiled when the arrow found its mark and the dragon slowed with a wail.
     Full on the town he fell, crushing the houses left standing. People on the shore let out a quiet cheer. Many were lost, and there was much to grieve for.


     The people of Laketown were standing by the shore in groups, when three figures stepped out of the lake. The first swept his dark hair aside in order to see the people's shocked faces. The taller figure held a small one in his arms.
     Legolas set Bain on the ground as Bard spoke. "I am Bard, and I am the slayer of the dragon! "
     The people stood in shock. Many turned to the Mountain in wonder.
     Smaug was dead, and the treasures lay unguarded as far as they knew.
     Treasure that could rebuild their lives.

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