Chapter 25

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So... This chapter is gonna be a doozy, like a few thousand words. Everything is coming to its climax in the final battle. This chapter will include most, if not all, of the Battle of the Five Armies. Prepare for feels and a small amount of gore. After all, this is Middle-Earth, isn't it?
Don't forget to comment and vote! I'm open to any critique of my stories to make them better. I want to say thank you to everyone who has stuck with me this far! I hope you guys enjoy my silly stories!

Bella Baggins tugged Kili's cloak tighter around her small frame, gripping Sting in her right hand. The short sword glowed an eerie blue, signaling the presence of orcs and foul things nearby.
Though she was far from the battle, the sounds were all too close for her liking. The crisp orders from elves, Men, and dwarves combined with the harsh yells of orcs to create a deafening roar.
Bella crept around a corner. She played with the Ring in her pocket, flipping it over and over in her hand. The trinket had been growing on her mind ever since she'd been banished. It hissed and whispered to her with a dark voice, a dark voice promising safety for those she loved, death of her enemies, a promise of Thorin's love and the destruction of the goldsickness.... But it was still a dark whisper nonetheless.
Shaking her head to disperse the dark thoughts filling her mind, the burglar darted towards the raging battle.
Battle was nothing like the stories she'd heard as a child, nothing like the stories of bravery and heroism. No one ever told her about the stench, the bodies littering the terrain, and especially not the gut-wrenching fear. She looked around wildly, trying to find Fili and Kili somewhere, or even Legolas. But no.
All she could see was a sea of orcs surrounding the Mountain. Pockets of Elves, Men, or Dwarves appeared all over the landscape. It wasn't enough. They would be overrun, and all those good people killed for nothing but Thorin's greed.
Bella ducked the swish of a mace-like sword flying over her head. The rusted metal brushed against her golden curls and missed her head by an inch. She tried her best to ignore the pained shouts and the ear-piercing screams of the dying as the orc growled at her and swung his sword at her once again. She ducked again and grinned with her giddiness at her success.
She really should've known better than that after the journey she'd been through.
A searing, firey, pain cut through her shoulder as the orc swung again. She instinctively tried to pat it out before she realised it wasn't actually on fire. The dark red blood slowly dripping down her right shoulder distracted her from the orc she'd been fighting. The wound wasn't life-threatening, but it sure felt like it.
"That wasn't very nice. " she muttered, raising Sting up towards the orc. Before it could raise it's sword, a familiar, green-tipped arrow whistled eerily though the air and landed with a thwack in the orc's thick neck. The creature fell backwards slowly, growling as it went.
"I thought you were told to stay at camp. " Legolas remarked, not without amusement.
Bella smirked. "And when have I ever listened? "
The elf prince rolled his eyes, even as he dispatched another orc with insane speed. As soon as a relatively clear path was made he tugged her though towards the besieged Dale. They raced through the levels of the destroyed city up to a pathway. Bella smiled in relief as she recognised the wizard.
"There you are, Bella. I didn't think you would stay in camp. " Gandalf said, a hint of a tease in his voice.
"Of course I wasn't going to." she replied. "You know me better than that. "
Legolas brushed past her to step up onto the railing. He perched there like an odd bird, making a noise of surprise. Bella was about to ask what when she saw the enormous golden bell crash through the barricaded Gate. A small group of figures charged out onto the battlefield, led by someone that made Bella's heart ache.
The Company of Thorin Oakenshield came out fighting from the rubble of the Gate. Bella's gaze was trained only on the leader, the dwarf with black-and-silver hair streaming out behind.
"The dwarves, " Legolas whispered, "they're rallying. "
Bella grinned in spite of the raging battle. "They're rallying to their king. "
The remaining fraction of Dain's forces gave a rousing yell and charged the orcs with a renewed fervor behind Thorin. Within seconds, the combined Men and Elves formed the rear with a battle cry of their own.
Legolas seemed to be preparing to ready his bow once more when he looked down. His eyes widened.
"You're injured! "
Bella shrugged. "It's barely a scratch. I'll be fine, Legolas. "
The look she got from the elf with that remark was an odd one, that she was sure of. He must have thought her insane, but she couldn't feel the wound anymore.
Legolas shook his head and began walking through Dale. Following, Bella watched as the ground shook, streams of infuriated Men and even some women racing past.
They had just reached the gate to the ruined city when two familiar dwarves scrambled towards them.
"Bella! Why are you out here? " Fili exclaimed. His blond hair was matted with dirt, braids barely holding together. His brother looked slightly less worse for wear, but battle-worn all the same.
The hobbit sighed. She covered up the gash on her arm before the young dwarves could see it.
"You should've known I was going to follow. "
Fili rolled his eyes and smiled. "I suppose I can admit that. "
Kili shot her a look that was so familiar, so much like the one she'd grown to love, so painfully Thorin, that her heart ached once more. Bella wasn't sure if the young dwarf sensed her pain or if he was just being himself, but she was glad for the hug he pulled her into. Even though the battle continued on around them, neither moved.
"Kee. "
The young dwarf looked back at his brother. He stepped away from Bella.
For no apparent reason, he froze, staring at his hand.
"Kili, what's- " she began. He looked up at her, then at her shoulder.
"You're hurt. " he whispered.
Bella flinched when she saw his hand. Dark red blood coated it in spots, blood that was not his own. She turned her gaze to her shoulder.
The burglar stared at the ugly gash on her shoulder. "Oh. "
She didn't move while Kili pulled a spare piece of fabric from his pocket and began wrapping it tightly around the injury. Fili made quick work of any orcs nearby that dared approach them.
Kili tied a tight knot on the end of the makeshift bandage and stepped back. Bella watched as the cloth turned dark red, blood seeping through the fabric.
"What happened, sister? " he asked cautiously.
Bella shrugged. "I got in an orc's way, I suppose. I'll be fine. "
"Fine? "
"Yeah. Don't worry about it. "
Kili sighed and started back towards the battle, Bella walking behind. Fili followed them at a hurried pace.
As they left the desolated city behind, Bella gripped her sword tighter in determination.
She would find Thorin, even if he still hated her. She had to see him one last time.

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