Author's Note

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Hey guys!
Thanks so much for 6k+ reads on this thing! That amount really means so much to me. You guys have no idea how happy it makes me to check my Wattpad and notice that people actually read my stuff.
When I started writing this fanfic almost a year ago (Mahal, has it really been that long?!) it was just a silly idea I thought of writing up. I know genderbent isn't everyone's favourite in this fandom, but writing Bella was so much fun. This story has been an interesting was of exploring how the story might change if Bilbo had been a girl! I wasn't trying to 'make the ship hetero' or anything. You guys should know by now that I mostly write lots of gay shit.
I have the mini sequel story completely outlined now, so all that's left is too write it! If you read the epilogue, you might already know what major event is going to take place! ;)
I'd love to do a q+a with the characters, so please leave questions for them (and me if you want) below in the comments and I will use them in the q+a chapter.
In the meantime, check my Insta and twitter for updates. Both are AnironSidh. I also have a tumblr and a Tellonym account now if you want to ask me questions! Feel free to dm me on any of those or on here if you want to talk about literally anything. I always need more friends!
See you guys soon! :P

Hiding Myself. A fem!Bilbo Bagginshield fanficWhere stories live. Discover now